Hi, Everyone,
This is has been an such an unbelievable year. Of recent, the world has witnessed heavy Mars energy, which is prominent for the remainder of the year. Violence, anger, rage, outrage, and action!
We are in Gemini season, and there are currently many points in Gemini: the goddess Venus, which is out of bounds, out of wack, and retrograde; The Sun, which is what represents the light; and the North Node of fate. The nodal axis shifted signs and entered the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, where it will remain until January of 2022. Both signs deal with gathering and dispersing information, educating, teaching, and learning.
Mercury, the cosmic messenger, is also out of bounds until July 9, 2020. When a planet is out-of-bounds, it exceeds the sun’s outer limits by declination and acts out of control. Mercury rules this whole Gemini lineup which has clashed with Mars.
The murder of George Floyd took place in The twin cities. The sign of Gemini represents the twins. His last message, which is the message for the world is “I can’t breathe.” The mutable air sign of Gemini also rules the lungs, thoughts, and words. George Floyd was brutally silenced, but his message is being heard throughout the world.
With the nodes of fate in Sagittarius and Gemini, education and awareness is the goal. George Floyd’s tragic loss will not be in vain. Education is the current with the Nodes of fate in Gemini and Sagittarius for the next year and a half. There important conversations that we need to have, and there is a lot that we need to learn.
Last weekend, Mars was building up to a fight with Venus, which became exact on June 2, 2020. Usually, we feel Mars energy before it becomes exact. Last weekend was a mutable t-square with the Moon in Virgo, opposite Mars in Pisces; both clashed with Venus in Gemini, who is all over the place. A lot of action came from love, and a lot of action came from anger. It spread at lightning speed, as it what happens when there is so mutable, adaptable, circulating energy in the cosmos.
It is now Eclipse season, and that adds the intensity, pressure, activity, change, and passion that we all are feeling. A lot of activity in a short period of time, and there is a sense of urgency and stress. Eclipses are like wild cards. You know a lot will happen, but a lot of change can happen in a very unpredictable manner. Eclipse bring things to light and make us see things in a way we never before.
This summer, there are three Eclipses instead of two, and that underlines the fact that this is an unforgettable year of change on the mass level. I will write more about the Eclipses; but, the energy is very scattered, and so am I at present. I am sure many of you share that feeling, as your mind can travel in so many directions with all of the mutable emphasis in the planets right now.
The first Eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse that takes place on June 5, 2020 at 3:12 pm EDT at 15 degrees and 34 minutes of the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius. This Lunar Eclipse makes an exact square to Mars in Pisces, which is at 15 degrees of the mutable water sign of Pisces. This is a Mars driven Eclipse with heavy emotions, as Mars in Pisces is very sensitive. Even more so, the Lunar Eclipse also squares Neptune in Pisces. This really emphasizes the emotions and the pain. Mercury is also in the water sign of Cancer and is out-of-bounds. Emotions are flooding, and so is the anger.
This Lunar Eclipse also has Venus, which is retrograde and out-of-bounds, conjunct the sun, opposite the moon, and still in a fight with Mars. This is a very emotional partial Lunar Eclipse, where the anger is very strong and so is the love. The love may be struggling and hard to find; but, it is there and strong!
Neptune is also strong this month and in this partial Lunar Eclipse. Later in the month, Neptune retrogrades on June 22, 2020 at 20 degrees of the mutable water sign of Pisces. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and represents selfless love, creativity, dreams, and compassion. A positive use of this full moon eclipse is to focus on creativity and love, as Venus and Neptune are strong in the Eclipse chart.
Inevitably, there will be a lot of breakups, endings, and re-evaluation of partnerships with Venus retrograde. Karmic relationships and people from the past will resurface in many forms. Lies and deception will be uncovered, as the Eclipse brings things to light. The sun and moon square Neptune, and the Sun clashes with Neptune exactly on June 11, 2020. A lot more reveals will occur this month. We’ve only just begun.
Look to see where 15 degrees of Sagittarius falls in your natal chart. This is where you want to release. This is where you may find a culmination or release. If you have planets between 12 and 17 degrees of the mutable signs, you will feel it the most: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. All of will feel it. If you are not familiar with your chart, there are several services online that provide free charts if you know your time of birth.
Honor this Full moon and focus on what you want to release. There is so much more ahead this weekend, so practice self care over the weekend and carve some time to honor this Lunar Eclipse during this difficult time in the world. Tap in to the love with the Venus and Neptune energy so emphasized. Love wins in the long run. We may just have to fight with integrity to help it persevere!
“I’ve been to Hollywood
I’ve been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold
I’ve been in my mind
It’s such a fine line
That keeps me searching for a heart of gold”
“Heart of Gold” — Neil Young