Hi, Everyone,
This is a very explosive energy driven by the wrath of Mars. We are already in Aries season, which began on March 19, 2020 when the sun entered the Cardinal fire sign of Aries. Aries is a fire sign, and it is ruled by Mars. The Sun in Aries meets up and sets off the planets in Capricorn, which set the tone to 2020. In particular, the historical Saturn/Pluto conjunction that occurred on January 12, 2020 at 22 degrees of Capricorn, which is at the world axis and affects ALL of us for the entire year.
On April 11, 2020, Mercury, the cosmic messenger, entered the Cardinal fire sign of Aries and finally exited the mutable water sign of Pisces, where is has been swimming in doubt, confusion, and fear since February 2, 2020. Mercury transits in the fiery sign of Aries through April 27, 2020. Mercury is the planet which rules the mind, communication, transportation, and perspective. Mercury in Aries is sharp, quick, and blunt. It can also be combative.
On April 13, 2020, Mercury in Aries joined up with Chiron, the wounded healer, and the wounds are very raw and very real. This helps the healing process, but it also feels like salt is being poured just a little more in the wounds. We might indeed be pouring salt in others\’ wounds without realizing it. Time to slow down and be patient because the rockets are shooting, and our words are our weapons.
On April 14, 2020, The Sun in Aries forms a very difficult square with the Sun in Aries, and this indicates major power struggles, loss, and endings. Pluto is death, rebirth, and regeneration; but, this cycle indicates a lot of painful and intense battles all around us. The Sun sets off Jupiter in Capricorn the following day. This expands the battles even further, and the fire roars!
With all of these planets in Cardinal signs, this is an excellent time to get work done. Try to focus on work, exercise, and steer clear of people that trigger you. Every one will feel more easily triggered. We can expect this to play out on the world stage, as the Sun and Pluto are at 24 degrees of the Cardinal signs of Aries and Capricorn respectively; which means that they set off the Saturn/Pluto conjunction from January, which was exactly at the world axis. Permanent changes, collapsing of old structures, repair, and rebirth. Focus on repairing and rebirthing what you can. Work with what you can control, and how you can transcend.
Over the weekend, the moon enters the mutable water sign of Pisces on April 17, 2020, and this gives us all the opportunity to rest and restore a bit. This is a very sensitive placement of the moon, and it is very psychic. it also is a great placement for spiritual and creative pursuits. On April 17th, Mercury, the planet of communication, forms an enabling aspect to Venus, the planet of creativity and love. This extends to April 18, 2020 and helps to reconnect us to love, beauty, and soul. That energy lingers all weekend.
On April 18, 2020, Mercury pairs up with Mars in a helpful way. This helps us to fight in a positive manner with our thoughts and with our actions. This is an excellent aspect for writing, networking, and communicating in all forms.
On April 19, the Sun enters the fixed earth sign of Taurus, where it will tour through May 20, 2020. The Sun in Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is currently out-of-bounds and in its shadow in the mutable air sign of Gemini. That means that Venus is acting very unpredictable, and it will also retrograde later on May 13, 2020 in the mutable air sign of Gemini. People, projects, and things of value from the past will likely surface. It is a good time to return to old projects — particularly those that involve communication.
I wish you a lot of luck with this volatile week. It will not be easy, but the weekend will give us all a chance to replenish. We are all wounded riders on the storm.