Uranus is the great Awakener, and there can be a lot of situations that come up which really open your eyes to things in a whole other light. There could be some memories or relationship issues that come up, which trigger wounds; but, perhaps there is healing in seeing things in a different perspective?
Uranus can make people act in a rash manner, so be extra aware when you are out in public, as some people could act extra erratic. It is not a time to have your head in your phone or looking down at the street. It is a time to have your eyes wide open.
There are already several planets retrograde, but the one in focus is Mars in retrograde. Mars is a personal planet, and it represents malice, rage, action, initiation, ambition, and raw sexuality. Mars has been moving back in tandem with the South Node of Fate since May, and the two already have had two exact meetups in the sky: June 8, 2018 and July 20, 2018. Mars and the South Node bring up past behavior and memories, which can make us aware of our shadow self and feel like the work we have done is incomplete.
Mars is a traditional Malefic, and the South Node represents karma, lessons, and connections that we are intended to release. This combination of energies can trigger memories and patterns dealing with anger, frustration, and depression. It can make you feel like you are receding to old habits, and that could be true temporarily.
Perhaps, it is good to to be humbled at times and reminded of your human side, and that there is always more grounding that could be done. It does not mean that you have not done good work on yourself and on your issues. It does not meant that you are not moving forward. Mars and the South Node are working together to purge and release painful memories and triggers through the end of September, so keep doing the work and know that this is a temporary process.
Mercury, the planet of information, stations retrograde on July 26, 2018 at 23 degrees of Leo and sets of the degree at which Jupiter stationed retrograde on March 8, 2018 — 23 degrees of the fixed water sign of Scorpio. Mercury is retrograde through August 19, 2018 when it stations direct at 11 degrees of Aquarius. That mean that Mercury is retrograde for the next two eclipses and requires a lot more introspection and reflection. It can also makes things a lot more confusing and raise the unpredictable level a few notches.The Mercury/Jupiter connection of 23 of the fixed signs is to enlighten us on how to open our minds and our consciousness — particularly the day before a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, the planet of higher consciousness.
The day of the Lunar Eclipse there continues to be more impulsive, belligerent, and aggressive energy. On July 27, 2018 at 1:13 AM EDT, the Sun forms a challenging opposition to Mars, the planet of war. This brings a very fiery beginning to the morning of the Total Lunar Eclipse, which happens to be an hour and twenty minutes and the longest Lunar Eclipse for several years.
Look in your chart where 5 degrees of Aquarius falls and look to see if you have planets that fall between three and seven degrees of the fixed signs: Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. The Full Moon Eclipse brings culmination and release — especially since it is a South Node Eclipse, and the South Node urges us to let go. If you do not know your chart, there are many sites where you can look up your chart for free like astro.com and astro.cafeastrology.com.
The Total Lunar Eclipse occurs on July 27, 2018 at 4:20 pm EDT at 5 degrees of Aquarius, and it is conjunct the South Node of Karma, which is also at 5 degrees of Aquarius. Mars, the planet of action and war, is straddling the two, and falls at 3 degrees of Aquarius. All of this can make people extra emotional and impulsive in how they express their feelings. People could be very militant and combative with Mars so tightly conjunct the Full Moon and the South Node of Karma. A lot of stories around fiery Mars themes of war, fire, heat, combat, accidents, and rage will occur. Try to keep control in times that are unpredictable to the point of being surreal.
The Lunar Eclipse chart is a very difficult chart, in that all of these planets that are in combat with one another are in the fixed signs, which are the most stubborn. It makes it more difficult and more soul searching to eliminate these patterns that surface. Yet, the fixed energy enables you to make changes that last and endure.
If you do the work now while the wounds surface and take micro actions, you are on the way. Give it time with this very pressured, heavy, and karmic Retrograde energy; however, stay intent on your focus. You can do incredible inner work this summer. This could be very healing with a Jupiter/Neptune trine in water in full effect all summer — enabling us to heal through our dreams and imagination.
The Solar Eclipse has a Fixed T Square with Mars conjunct the Moon and South Node in opposition to the Sun in Leo, which is closely conjunct the North Node in Leo, which mean we are meant to go towards the heart path. In spite of the chaos, do not lose hope or courage in what you want. The chaos may bring you there in a stronger way. All of these planets form a square to Uranus, the planet that rules brilliance and chaos. A lot of breakups, exits, endings, change of direction, release, and innovation of a new future.
Uranus happens to rule the Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius; as well as the South Node of karma, which we are meant to release. Mars in Aquarius deals with old, karmic friendships and associations. Mars, which is how we take action. This Total Lunar Eclipse will be memorable for time to come. Be wary of taking action in a rash manner and be conscious that others are feeling the anger, pain, and karmic memories that are getting triggered, as well. Eclipses bring things to light, so see what emotions and memories surface for you in this next two weeks.