Hi, Everyone, Eclipse season officially ended on May 30, 2022 with a New Moon in Gemini. However, it really was the most difficult Eclipse season I can remember for several years. I heard of so much loss — many of it sudden. Eclipses reveal things and uncover information because they want to us wake up, and they want to raise our consciousness. The initial Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus had a lot of promise, as it was in its exaltation. The benefics — Venus and Jupiter were both conjunct in the mutable water sign of Pisces, where they both love to be. It was also coupled with Uranus, the planet of chaos and surprise. I heard of great things happening out-of-the-blue for a few clients; but, I had one in particular that received very sad news about a friend that died suddenly on the day of the Solar Eclipse.
The first Eclipse in Taurus occurred just a day after the Pluto station, and we feel that energy intensely five days before and five days afterwards. Pluto represents power, death, regeneration, elimination, and healing. On the day of the Solar Eclipse in Taurus, Naomi Judd took her life very suddenly. Keep in mind that Taurus is ruled by Venus, and a lot of singers have Taurus in their chart, as it rules the throat. She had been very open in the past about mental illness; but, something must have really gotten to her that weekend that she could not shake. It reminds me of that song, “Mad World,” that was written by Roland Orzabel. “And I find it kind of funny. I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had.” Depression can be swallow up the joy and rewards, and it can dim the light of any future you think you may have. It is a very tough battle. It is a heartbreaking disease.
At the end of April, there were five points transiting in the mutable water sign of Pisces. Pisces on the higher level is empathy, magic, compassion, true art, music, and selfless love. On the more challenging level, it represents escapism, self undoing, depression, addiction, delusion, and deception. Many people have been struggling with depression. The Age of Pisces begins next March, and a big focus will be on mental health and addiction. As we scramble in chaos, disruption, and anger, how it could it not be?The second Total Lunar Eclipse was a huge one, and it was in Scorpio, where the moon is in its fall position. That Total Lunar Eclipse occurred within three degrees of the Nodes of Fate. Scorpio is a sign of death. The Total Lunar Eclipse set off Saturn within a degree, and Saturn is the reality planet that can also cause finality. I have heard of a lot of sudden death — especially in the past couple of week. Eclipses always bring big changes, major beginnings, breakups, moves, etc. However, a lot more sudden endings because of the Lunar Eclipse in the sign of death and because of Uranus’ involvement in the first Eclipse.
Solar Eclipses are New Moon Eclipses, and Lunar Eclipses are Full Moon Eclipses. You can witness a major ending on a New Moon Eclipse and a major beginning on a Full Moon Eclipse. Eclipses are very unpredictable. You know a lot will happen in a short period of time, and a lot of information gets revealed. You cannot control how it all happens, but you pay attention to the messages you receive, and how you can adjust going forward.Now is the time to glean the recent lessons and move ahead. Mercury, the planet of information, stationed retrograde right in the middle of Eclipse season. It retrograded on May 10, 2022 initially in Gemini — at 4 degrees and 5 minutes of the Mutable Air Sign of Gemini. Mercury loves being in Gemini, as it is in its dignity. That brought even more information, secrets, and revelations in this heavy emotional Eclipse season.Mercury re-entered the The Fixed Earth sign of Taurus on May 22, 2022. Mercury retrograde in Gemini is a time to reconsider how you learn, how you connect with others, and you can hear from people from the distant past. When Mercury retrogrades in its domicile, it gives a lot of information! When it was retrograde in Taurus, the focus is more on finances, possessions, and value. It is a time to re-evaluate how you earn money, your possessions, how you are valued, and what you value.
Mercury stationed direct on June 3 at 26 degrees and five minutes of Taurus. This sets off the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio by just a degree. Now is a time to process all that you have experienced since the middle of April. Saturn, the planet of Karma, accountability, and limitations, stationed retrograde on June 4, 2022 at 5:47 pm EDT at 25 degrees and 15 minutes of the Fixed Air Sign of Aquarius. This sets off the recent Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio within three minutes, and Saturn acted like the Judgement card in that Total Lunar Eclipse saying, “This is the way it’s going to be. Time to deal with it.”As we begin the week, the feeling of Mercury squaring Saturn could make things seem challenging or limiting. It can definitely feel like the glass is half empty. Bear in mind that Saturn’s energy will become less intense as we proceed with the week. Mercury is now direct. It soon will return to the sign where it loves to be on June 13, 2022 when it re-enters the sign of Gemini.Use this Mercury/Saturn square to get things in order, to focus on hard work, and re-frame your thinking. This is a time in which you have to be a survivor. By mid June, three planets will be transiting in their domicile: Venus in Taurus, where it is in its rulership and so fertile and abundant; Mars in Aries, where it is very fiery but also very capable at getting things moving; Mercury in Gemini, which is excellent for communication, networking, and getting involved in local community.
Mercury forms a beautiful trine to Pluto, the planet of empowerment and transformation, on June 10, 2022 at 5:21 pm EDT. This is a very empowering and healing energy. Great for meditation, doing healing work, and raising the vibration. This will help a lot to shake the feelings of limitation. This will help you to transcend the restrictions and evolve your situation. Venus, the planet of love and money, meets up with Uranus, the planet of surprise, on June 11, 2022 at 6:58 pm EDT. With Uranus, expect the unexpected. Venus and Uranus meet up once a year, and Venus does love being in Taurus! This could bring unexpected financial windfalls, romantic dates and meetings, and invitations from friends. It could bring shake ups and breakups if something has been lingering since the Eclipse energy and has not yet been sorted. There is also a lot of fire in the sky, and that can be good and bad. I have noticed that since Jupiter entered the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries on May 10, 2022, so many shootings have occurred in such a short period of time. On the day of the mass massacre of children and teachers in Uvalde, Texas, Mars was at the final degree of the Zodiac at 29 degrees of Pisces, which is a Fixed star known as Scheat — one associated with misery and loss. Mars was just about to enter the Fire Sign of Aries at 7:17 pm EDT. We often feel Mars before it becomes exact. That was just devastating.
Mars loves being in Aries, which is the sign it rules. Mars in Aries is very capable at getting things done. However, Jupiter transits in Aries until October 28, 2022. Jupiter expands whatever it touches — good or bad. I wrote in my last article that I felt unfortunately there will be a lot more shootings this summer. Mars transits in the Fire Sign of Aries until July 5, 2022, and Jupiter expands the Mars energy in the sky until October 28, 2022. It returns to the sign of Aries on December 20, 2022, where it will tour through May 16, 2023. On Sunday, I saw a headline online that read, “Once again we see lives lost; A deadly night across the U.S.” What a sad headline to read in a world that is already so tragic and broken. How do we heal in the New Age of Aquarius that seeks community and unity? How do we get past the loss, anger, and devastation?This is an extension of the mental illness, and all that we have endured in the past couple of years. The world experienced a massive Pluto transit in 2019 and 2020 when it was transiting back and forth at 22 degrees of the Cardinal Earth Sign of Capricorn, which is at the world point and impacts every one of us. Pluto represents death and change. The whole world has experienced it. None of is immune.Try to use the Mars and Jupiter transit in Aries to open your heart to courage in a time where you may feel shaky. Be a fearless warrior that comes from love and wants to initiate new beginnings and continue with your goals. This is not just about you or me. We have to buoy each other up in a time, where we all need support. We have to keep working and help others feel hopeful, so that they feel they can start taking micro steps to move ahead. Nobody is an island! Sorry, John Donne, but it is 2022. I had to modernize it. Re frame your thoughts and tap into courage!