Hi, Everyone,
It has been an unbelievable journey this past few months with Mercury transiting in the mutable air sign of Gemini, which it rules. It set the stage for a very informative Eclipse season that we all started working with mid May. Eclipses are a time where we see things in way that we have never have before, and they often usher in huge life changes. The past two months have felt very fairytale like and confusing because there has been huge Piscean influence. There have been a lot of points transiting in mutable signs, which means that things can go in many different directions. The Total Lunar Eclipse that occurred on May 26, 2021 at 5 degrees and 25 minutes of Sagittarius brought a lot of big endings and moves, and this eclipse squared Jupiter in Pisces, which added to the sense of endings, completion, and heavy emotions. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, higher knowledge, promotion, publicity, big vision, and hope, entered the mutable water sign of Pisces where it will transit through July 28, 2021. Mercury has been transiting in the mutable air sign of Gemini since May 3, 2021 and will transit in its dignity until July 11, 2021. Mercury has been telling a lot of tales, and it was a key player during the Solar Eclipse, which occurred on June 10, 2021 at 19 degrees and 47 minutes of the mutable air sign of Gemini, in which The North Node, Sun, Moon, and Mercury were all transiting in the mutable air sign of Gemini.
Jupiter rules the highly emotional and magical sign of Pisces. Neptune, the planet of dreams and the imagination, has been transiting in the mutable water sign of Pisces on and off since late winter/early spring of 2011. Jupiter stationed retrograde at 2 degrees of Pisces on day of the Summer Solstice, which occurred on June 20, 2021 at 11:32 pm EDT. Six points transiting recently in mutable signs when you include the nodes of fate. This means things can seem very unstructured and tenuous. It is ideal to go with the flow, as things can shift very easily in different ways. Pisces is boundless, and Gemini is a sign of duality.
Jupiter stationed retrograde at 11:06 am EDT, and we felt that buildup five days before and feel it five days after. We are reassessing how we can expand through our hopes and not through our fears. Jupiter expands wherever it is transiting and whatever it touches, so it expands the tears, emotions, and loss that we feel on the collective.
Many have felt exhausted recently, as the Solar Eclipse in Gemini squared Neptune and added to the highly foggy Neptune energy. This week, Neptune stations retrograde on June 25, 2021 at 3:21 pm EDT. We feel that energy five days before and five days after. On the higher level, Neptune represents inspiration, imagination, sympathy, intuition, rest, dreams, and selfless love. On the the more challenging or lower level, it represents, deception, confusion, fear, escapism, delusion, and narcissism.
Jupiter stationed retrograde in Pisces, which is a sign it rules in ancient astrology. It did so on the Summer Solstice, which is a day in which the sun is at its highest altitude in the Northern Hemisphere and is the longest day of the year and the beginning of the summer. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Sun is at its lowest point and is the beginning of winter. For all, the Sun stops, and we initiate a new season of what we want to honor for the next few months.
The Solstice chart has Jupiter retrograde in its dignity in first house representing expansiveness through sympathy and recharging. The ascendant is Aquarius, which emphasizes the New Age of Aquarius, in which we come together and connect in various and ingenious ways. Venus is at 22 degrees of the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer, which is at the world point and directly sets off where the Saturn/Pluto conjunction occurred on January 10, 2021, which changed the structures of our world. Time to let go of old paradigms for good and focus on what nurtures your soul.
We are feeling the confusing, tipsy turvy Neptunian energy, as Jupiter’s station is still strong, and Neptune is about to station, and we swim through emotional, dreamy waters. You could get seasick, or you could rest, pray, manifest, and work with the magic. This is not easy energy, and I do not mean to say that it is easy to just flip it off and start chanting. Give yourself a break and see where your intuition leads.
The good news it that Mercury, the messenger to the gods, stations direct on June 22, 2021 at 6:00 pm EDT at 16 degrees of the mutable air sign of Gemini. Mercury officially clears its shadow on July 7 when it clears 24 degrees of Gemini, where it stationed retrograde. It is helpful that Mercury is now direct and in its dignity, as Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. It helps for networking, marketing, sales, travel, transportation, and communication of all forms.
This week ends Eclipse season, but the Neptunian and Piscean energy is very strong with Jupiter and Neptune’s stations; therefore, make sure to take extra time for self care. People could be moody and difficult to read. On June 23, 2021, The Sun in Cancer forms a beautiful trine to Jupiter, and this is an excellent energy for expansion and good fortune. On that same date, Venus opposes Pluto at 7:39 pm EDT, and that is an energy of breakups and power struggles. It is good for purging that which does not serve you; however, it is best to recognize that this can be very manipulative energy.
On June 24, 2021, there is a Full Moon at 3 degrees and 28 minutes of the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn that occurs at 2:40 pm EDT. This Full Moon sets off where the Solar Eclipse occurred on December 26, 2019 at 4 degrees of the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Perhaps, you get some resolution on the stories you were working on at that time.
This Full Moon in Capricorn officially releases the Eclipse energy, so in that sense things will start to feel less pressured than they have since the middle of May. It is time to process the new changes and revelations. Mercury was only within a degree of the Solar Eclipse in Gemini, and Eclipses uncover a ton of information,. It is time to work with the new stories.
Work with the Full moon to release things that you feel restrict and limit you. We are no longer in the epoch of Capricorn, but it was an unforgettable time for all. It was the year of lockdown. Focus on getting rid of clutter, clearing space, giving things away, and structuring new things in your life that help you tap into the magic of Pisces.
Put your crystals in the moonlight, or cleanse them with salt water for those that you can cleanse. If you have clear quartz point, cleanse it under cold water and focus on your intentions as you hold the clear quartz. Another great trick is to sprinkle cinnamon outside your front door to bring in abundance. A bowl of oranges in the kitchen or front room helps to bring in a sense of prosperity as you seek structure in your attempts to release what holds you back from obtaining what you want.
If you are flexible, this next few weeks could be pretty exciting. Venus enters the fixed fire sign of Leo on June 27, 2021 at 12:27 am EDT, where she will transit through July 21, 2021. This is a time for having fun, dancing, and playing. Release the limitations and let yourself live a little as you heal with Jupiter in Pisces.