Hi, Everyone,
We are all in Eclipse recovery. We are still in Scorpio season for approximately another week. This is a time to face the darkness, eliminate what is no longer serving you, and ascend and uplevel yourself. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth.
The recent Eclipses were a Partial Solar Eclipse October 25, 2022 at 2 degrees of the fixed water sign of Scorpio and a Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022 at 16 degrees and 1 minutes of Taurus. Eclipses are a time of increased pressure, rapdid change, major beginnings and departures. Eclipses can bring dramatic events in a flash that can change your life forever; or they can certainly wake you up to something that changes your perspective on something or someone.
Let’s examine the themes of the recent eclipses. For one thing, a lot of emphasis on relationships of all types, as Venus was exactly conjunct the South Node Eclipse in Scorpio, which is the eighth sign of intimate partnerships. This was a South Node Eclipse, which means there is something that needs to be released. Venus does not like being in the sign of Scorpio, as it is in its detriment.
Passionate and pained, Venus in Scorpio is VERY intense! It was inconjunct Jupiter, the planet of vision and expasion, at the time of the Eclipse. This means that a big readjustment is needed to heal the wounds, loss, and issues with which have not been dealt. It is time to face the darkness, summon your courage, and find strength in surrendering. Sometimes that is your biggest power. Scorpio is a sign of power and control. Your power right now is in your ability to let go.
Letting go of toxic people and patterns. Facing loss and finding the strength to face the darkness. To be comfortable in feeling vulnerable and in fear. There are times at which are are all alone and without power. Face those feelings. Scorpio is so damn emotional and heavy. There is a lot to mourn.
Scorpio itself is a sign of death, rebirth, and transcendence. The Partial Solar Eclipse was a new moon eclipse, but there is still a component of release to this eclipse. New moons usually are a time of new beginnings, but this eclipse had a lot of karmic endings and goodbyes.
Mars, the planet of passion, rage, and direction, is currently out-of-bounds, which means it exceeds the sun’s path and acts out of control. Mars is out-of-bounds from October 22, 2022 through May 5, 2023, which means that people could be more triggered by and reactive to words and communication (Mars in Gemini and out-of-bounds).
It also means that people could be more easily angered and acting more impulsively. The energy of Mars is already heightened by the retrograde. Mars only retrogrades once every two years. Mars retrograded officially on October 30, 2022 at 25 degrees of Gemini. It stations direct on January 12, 2022 at 8 degrees of Gemini. If there are some difficult situations that erupted, there may be an opportunity to redo things once Mars stations direct in January and ultimately clears its shadow at the end of March. Nonetheless, there are undoubtedly departures and heavy karmic occurrences right now.
The Total Lunar Eclipse occurred just a degree off from the world point on November 8, 2022 at 16 degrees and 1 minute of the fixed earth sign of Taurus. This Eclipse packed a real punch, as the nodes of the moon were just three degrees off from the Sun and the Moon. This brings very fated events. A Full moon is more of a time of endings, release, and culmination. However, this was a North Node Eclipse, in which you try to construct something new of beauty and value with the North Node in the sign of Taurus, which is about beauty and nature. Uranus is the planet of chaos and awakening. Finding enlightenment in little moments. Trying to create something new of value.
Both Scorpio and Taurus are signs of money and assets. With the Eclipse in Scorpio, there is a big focus on healing. Venus in Scorpio needs healing and to release the pain she is held within her heart. South Node in Scorpio urges us all to release the pain as much as we can. Pluto, the planet of death, is the modern ruler of Scorpio. There has been so much death in so many forms.
With the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, Uranus was exactly on the Moon in Taurus. Uranus is a lot like Eclipses — it brings situations, news, and people that can our lives forever. Uranus can raise your anxiety, and it can cause a lot of disruption! Uranus represents change. We are meant to go towards the North Node. We are meant to innovate a new future and change. Venus the rules the sign of Taurus. We are meant to try to find some glimpses of beauty and happiness in a world of permanent loss.
Mercury, the planet of news, information, and communication, was at the world point during both Eclipses, which means a lot of important stories, news, and information has been uncovered in our own lives and on the world stage. We continue to process. We continue to heal. Remember that some of the challenges that you are now experiencing with Mars retgrade can be reversed.
Again, there are fated endings and change inevitably with this Eclipse course. However, there are things you can repair. If you feel like you cannot get things done now, Neptune is making it slippery to find solid ground. Keep going. Keep dreaming. Jupiter, the grand benefic, is at 28 degrees of Pisces, which it rules in ancient Astrology. Jupiter in Pisces expands through limitless imagination, compassion, and dreams. Dream, dream, dream.
Saturn is in its final run in Aquarius and stationed direct on October 23, 2022. We felt the buildup five days five and five days afterwards. This added more of a restrictive and karmic tone to this past Lunar Eclipse. Saturn remains in the fixed air sign of Aquarius through March 7, 2023 when it enters the mutable water sign of Pisces. Currently, the two rulers of Pisces are transiting in Pisces: Jupiter, the planet of vision; Neptune, the planet of dreams. The last time, they both met up in Pisces was on March 17, 1856. They met up again this year on April 12, 2022 at 23 degrees of PIsces. Expanding through unbounded love and intuition.
With three planets transiting in the highly perceptive water sign of Scorpio, it is time to listen to your intuition. Trust your perceptions. This is an excellent time to do research and do healing work. Mercury in Scorpio forms a helpful aspect to Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, at 9:27 pm EDT. This helps you to feel empowered in your thinking, and that you can get things done in spite of challenges. The Sun in Scorpio forms a beautiful trine to Neptune, the planet of bliss, at 10:43 pm EDT. Time to dream. The emotions pour and pour, but these are healing waters. This is a time to feel. You cannot ignore it.
Venus, the planet of love, happiness, and beauty, enters the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius on November 16, 2022 at 1:09 am EDT, where it will transit through December 9, 2022. This adds more fun and levity. We are still wading in highly stormy waters, but this adds some needed optimism. Mercury, the planet of perspective, forms a beautiful trine to Jupiter, the luckiest planet, at 10:43 am EDT. This helps to bring more luck to the day!
Saturn is in its final run in Aquarius and stationed direct on October 23, 2022. We felt the buildup five days five and five days afterwards. This added more of a restrictive and karmic tone to this past Lunar Eclipse. Saturn remains in the fixed air sign of Aquarius through March 7, 2023 when it enters the mutable water sign of Pisces. Currently, the two rulers of Pisces are transiting in Pisces: Jupiter, the planet of vision; Neptune, the planet of dreams. The last time, they both met up in Pisces was on March 17, 1856. They met up again this year on April 12, 2022 at 23 degrees of PIsces. Expanding through unbounded love and intuition.
With three planets transiting in the highly perceptive water sign of Scorpio, it is time to listen to your intuition. Trust your perceptions. This is an excellent time to do research and do healing work. Mercury in Scorpio forms a helpful aspect to Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, at 9:27 pm EDT. This helps you to feel empowered in your thinking, and that you can get things done in spite of challenges. The Sun in Scorpio forms a beautiful trine to Neptune, the planet of bliss, at 10:43 pm EDT. Time to dream. The emotions pour and pour, but these are healing waters. This is a time to feel. You cannot ignore it.
Venus, the planet of love, happiness, and beauty, enters the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius on November 16, 2022 at 1:09 am EDT, where it will transit through December 9, 2022. This adds more fun and levity. We are still wading in highly stormy waters, but this adds some needed optimism. Mercury, the planet of perspective, forms a beautiful trine to Jupiter, the luckiest planet, at 10:43 am EDT. This helps to bring more luck to the day!
Mercury changes signs on November 17, 2022 and enters the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius at 3:42 am EDT, where it will transit through December 6, 2022. Mercury is in its detriment in Sagittarius, as it rules the opposite sign of Gemini. However, it still involves seeing the big picture with optimism. This adds more fire and less water to the equation. Fire gives us enthusiasm and optimism.
The Sun forms a helpful aspect to Pluto, the planet of empowerment on Novemer 18, 2022 at 4:36 pm EDT. This is an energy where you can truly heal yourself and act with courage in situations that feel impossible. This brings confidence in self. On November 19, 2022, Mars forms a second square to Neptune, planet of illusion. This can make things seem challenging and confusing. It is excellent for engaging in prayer and spiritual work. It is also good for all forms of chanting, meditation, manifestation, and creative work.
The Sun forms a beautiful trine to Jupiter, the planet of optimism, on November 20, 2022. This is an excellent aspect that helps you to tap into hope and joy. This aspect becomes exact at 11:07 pm EDT. Mars is not playing by the rules, and it is the ancient ruler of Scorpio. The emotional intensity of these eclipses is draining as you process all of the messages and information uncovered. Find strength and joy in rebirthing yourself. Do not give up on dreams or hope!