The Winter Solstice chart has Saturn conjunct the Sun, which marks a serious tone for the next few months until the Spring Equinox chart. The Capricorn Ingress chart, which is the Winter Solstice when the sun enters Capricorn, creates a chart which sets the tone for the next few months. The last time Saturn and the Sun were conjunct in Capricorn on the winter Solstice was in 1664. This happens very infrequently, and demands that you pay very close attention to what lessons come up for you now, what is happening in the world, and what you need to do to ground yourself and grow. It is time to ground, restructure, and improve your purpose and identity. It may feel limiting, but it can be highly useful if you focus on your goals.
It is time to get real with yourself. Saturn in Sagittarius was about restructuring your belief systems and inner truth; but, Saturn in Capricorn is more about being a disciplinarian with yourself. It is time to acknowledge your weaknesses and strengths in a very candid manner so that you can build your strengths. Sometimes, the biggest gift is to be aware of your limitations, as it helps you to focus your energy in a much more strategic way. Mercury is in retrograde in Sagittarius in the Winter Solstice chart, which means there is a reflective tone on how you can expand and gain wisdom through all of the Capricorn hard work ahead!
Mercury stations direct on December 22, 2017 at 8:51 EST at 23 degrees of Sagittarius. Venus changes signs this week and enters 0 degrees of Capricorn on December 25, 2017 at 12:26 AM EST. Now Venus confers with Saturn and may set a somber tone; but, it also means getting real about relationships, money, and what is of value to you.
It may not be the be the effusive and joyful holiday season ever, but I think that is hardly a surprise with such a difficult year filled with Natural disasters and devastating loss. Be aware and honest with yourself of what you find is lacking in your life and commit to doing something about it. That is the first Saturn in Capricorn lesson! There will be plenty more ahead.