Full Moon in Taurus: Emotional reconstruction
Hi, Everyone,
As I write this article this morning, construction pours through every outlet in my building. Demolition, renovation, and reconstruction of a foundation. This concert sounds just like what is playing on the soundtrack of the Universe.
With three planets currently touring in Scorpio, we are face to face with death, rebirth, fears, blocks, unreleased painful memories, and a chance to reconstruct our foundation and core. The Sun changes signs on October 23, 2018 at 7:22 AM EDT, and it enters the fixed water sign of Scorpio. Just a little more darkness. Just a little more pain. There will be four planets transiting in Scorpio, and it can feel like you are entrenched in a Dylan Thomas poem.
This is a busy, explosive, emotional, and exciting week all in one! On October 24, 2018, there is an explosive Full Moon in Taurus, which occurs at 12:45 pm EDT at 1 degree and 13 minutes of Taurus. This Full moon reflects back to The New Moon that occurred in Taurus on May 15, 2018 when Uranus initially entered the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Uranus is the great Awakener and the ultimate joker. Whatever you expect will happen, it will be something else.
In this Full moon chart, Saturn rules the Capricorn Ascendant and is within a few degrees demanding that we structure our values, lessons, and direction. Pay attention to what Venus retrograde has been telling you all fall, the people and experiences you have encountered, the emotions and crusty memories that have gotten dug up and dusted off in your emotional demolition. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, and it is the crux of this Full moon chart conjoining The Moon, opposing the Sun, and squaring the Nodes of Fate.
Fated choices, opportunities, accidents, explosions, disruption, fights, and chaos. Proceed with caution and DO go gently in to that good night this week, as it will be a volatile one. The point is not to react with fear and ask if something bad is going to happen to you. The point is that there are things you can control, and things you cannot. Be wise and aware. Keep living.
On October 26, 2018, there is a beautiful, healing and inspiring Venus/Sun conjunction, which occurs at 10:49 AM EDT. I feel inspired just looking at the chart. Jupiter rules the chart with Sagittarius ascendant and gives us a glimpse of glorious Jupiter entering Sagittarius on November 8, 2018. This is reason enough to be hopeful. The chaos and destruction is real, but so is the hope and redemption.
Venus and the Sun are conjunct at 3 degrees of Scorpio in the 11th house of wishes and dreams, aspirations, networking, social media, and the internet. This begins a whole new eight year cycle that you complete from October of 2010. You can revise what you love and value. You can also revise how you are loved and valued.
What was happening for you at that time? Do you remember the narrative? I do. You can change it now if you would like, and you can write a new script of what you want in your life, and what you do not want. You can do it with kindness and compassion, but you can be strong in your intent.
Mercury is at 24 degrees of Scorpio, and it is conjunct Jupiter, which is at 27 degrees of Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio is incredibly keen and incisive. Mercury rules how you process information, and you relay your thoughts.
Mercury in Scorpio may be not be diplomatic, but it sees through people, and it eliminates the nonsense. Let\’s get clear. Jupiter is the higher octave of Mercury and bestows wisdom and generosity. It expands this Scorpio intuition so prevalent in the cosmos. Both fall in the 12th house of dreams and manifesting. You can heal yourself, you can find new value, and you can thrive!
\”Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning
they do not go gentle into that good night.\”
— Dylan Thomas, \”Do not Go gentle into that good night\”
Venus in Retrograde: Time to reevaluate
Hi, Everyone,
Venus and Mercury met up yesterday and joined forced at 8 degrees of the fixed water sign of Scorpio. This helps to emphasize the Venus Retrograde message for the fall of 2018. What is of value to you? What blocks you from finding your happiness or fulfilling your joy? What disables you from appreciating what you already do have?
We began the year with no planets retrograde. Full steam ahead! The year began with a direct and cardinal Saturn in Capricorn tone, which demanded that we all take accountability for our actions. Later in the summer, there were three unpredictable eclipses and seven planets retrograde, in which the message is more about surrendering to karmic lessons, figuring out where you need to let go, and situations where you need to walk away.
Surrendering and walking away is by no means not taking accountability. In some cases, this is how we are being most accountable by checking out of something that we should have checked out of a long time ago.
I have to be honest and say that I am still reeling from the experiences of the summer and am not able to process the lessons of Venus retrograde. It is all perfectly planned by the universe, but the Universe must have more faith in us than we do. It is quite a bit to take.
The Mars retrograde story was extremely painful and angry for many with a ton of technical difficulties, problems around ego, confidence, delays, rage, and utter frustration. Mars was only one of the seven planets retrograde, but he was the key player and was most definitely the focus.
Now, the energy has shifted to Venus in retrograde in Scorpio, where she is in her Detriment and is in a painful placement for Venus. This was strategized by the Universe because it wants us to get to the bottom of the story and move onward.
It is no coincidence that Jupiter entered Scorpio only two years after Saturn\’s exploration of this deep and inscrutable sign. Jupiter brings light and levity as it magnifies whatever sign or area of the chart it is transiting. It open doors and brings hope. It can also expand the story as it heals.
Scorpio is a sign of death, rebirth, intimacy, sex, power, transformation, transcendence, shared resources, merged assets, business partnerships, and unhealed wounds and blocks at the deepest level.
Saturn is the authority of the zodiac. It is the planet that makes us face our karmic lessons and take responsibility. Saturn toured in Scorpio from October 6, 2012 through September 18, 2015.
It was accompanied by a series of Eclipses in the Scorpio/Taurus axis that began on November 13, 2012 at 22 degrees of Scorpio through October 23, 2014, which was a Solar Partial Eclipse at 0 degree of Scorpio that contained Venus in Scorpio conjunct the Sun and Moon at 0 degrees of Scorpio.
Venus retrograde digs up this story. Whenever any planet retrogrades, it is an introspective time. In this case, it is yet another planet that is retrograde after a summer of Mars out-of-bounds, retrograde, traveling with the South Node of Karma, involved in 2 of three eclipses, in combat with Uranus and Venus, and one of seven planets retrograde. It has been chaos.
Venus is a personal planet that retrogrades for approximately 42 days every 18 months. Mars retrogrades once every two years. We just cleared the shadow of Mars retrograde on October 10th, as we dove into another retrograde journey of waiting, evaluating, and reconsidering with Venus Retrograde.
Not only is Venus retrograde, but she initially stationed retrograde in Scorpio, where she is in her detriment. Venus in Scorpio can bring up painful stories for people where they feel that they are not desired, not valued, or that they are not safe.
Venus initially stationed retrograde on October 5, 2018 at 10 degrees and 50 minutes of Scorpio. This defers back to October and November of 2013. In January and October of 2013, Saturn crossed this section of Scorpio — it finished this sector in October of 2013. On November 3, 2013, there was a Total Solar Eclipse at 11 degrees of Scorpio, and Venus set off this story again when it stationed retrograde at this degree on October 5th, 2018.
If there were issues around intimacy, trust, and financial situations in 2013, this Venus retrograde is a very good time to heal and/or straighten out those areas of your life. Venus retrograde is not the best time to start something new when it comes to things of value like relationships and financial obligations. However, fated relationships and situations can definitely occur when Venus is retrograde as it is something that is out of your hands and is already scripted.
This fall is interesting because we are finishing up Jupiter in Scorpio. Jupiter is actually going to change signs and enters its home sign of Sagittarius on November 8, 2018, which is approximately a week before Venus stations direct.
Jupiter opened up unfinished stories from when Saturn was in Scorpio and brought it up in a more gentle and easy manner; but, nonetheless, it expanded intense dialogues in many areas for people where they are trying to play it safe. I think the whole lesson of Saturn, The Eclipses, Jupiter, and Venus retrograde in Scorpio is that you cannot play it safe if you want to transform your life!!
Venus began its retrograde in the sign where Jupiter is healing, expanding, and bringing light: Scorpio! This expands the frightening but empowering Scorpio story in a big way. Venus and Mercury met up yesterday at 8 degrees of Scorpio and brought us all more clues as to what we do and do not want.
Venus initially entered its shadow on September 2, 2018 when it reached 25 degrees of Libra, which is where Venus will station direct on November 16, 2018. Scorpio is a very intense and emotionally charged sign. Currently, Venus, the planet of love and value, is in Scorpio; Mercury, the planet of communication and information, is in Scorpio until October 31, 2018; Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, is in Scorpio through November 8, 2018.
Mercury is highly perceptive as well as cunning when it is in Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio can be a bit caustic, so be wary of how you deliver news to people and try not to be too intense with how you say things. Mercury in Scorpio is also excellent for uncovering hidden information and figuring out issues that need deep analysis. It can be highly insightful.
Mercury makes two interesting aspects on October 19, 2018. It forms a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces at 5:47 AM EDT, which is very intuitive, creative, magnetic, and spiritual. Mercury proceeds to form a challenging square to Mars in Aquarius at 1:23 pm EDT and can be very challenging and cantankerous energy. People will likely be combative, but it could be a good time for brainstorming if you can take the heat!
Mercury transiting in Scorpio for the entire month of October is excellent for making the most of this Venus retrograde story. Venus retrograde in Scorpio forces us all to search within and face uncomfortable truths about ourselves and others that we wish we could forget or overlook.
It is imperative that we face these truths and do not bury them. We are meant to take full advantage of this current planetary lineup in Scorpio so that we can seal the story and move ahead to enjoy the promise of Jupiter in Sagittarius, which invites us to learn, travel, teach, explore, and laugh again. We will not laugh as innocents we once were; but, we may appreciate and finally understand what we do have.