Manifesting New Moon of Revision and Initiation

Hi, Everyone,

So much to say, but how do I weave the past with the future? How do you do it? On the first day of September, there were six planets retrograde: Mercury, the planet of information and news; Venus, the planet of relationships and money; Saturn, the planet of karma and structure; Uranus, the planet of inventiveness and ingenuity; Neptune, the planet of dreams and escapism; Pluto, the planet of death and transformation. When there are several planets retrograde — two of which are personal planets — this is a time to dig within and search for significant answers. It is time to ask questions that matter.

The two benefics shifted their focus in the first days of September. Venus, the planet of love and value, stationed direct on September 3, 2023 at 12 degrees and 12 minutes of the fixed fire sign of Leo. Jupiter, the Grand Benefic, retrograded the following day on September 4, 2023 at 15 degrees and 34 minutes of the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Too much of everything is really never enough!

Venus initially entered the fiesty, fun, and fiery sign of Leo on June 5, 2023 and will tour through Leo through October 8, 2023. Venus initially entered its shadow on June 19, 2023 when it reached 12 degrees and 12 minutes of Leo, which is the degree at which it stationed direct on September 3, 2023.

Venus prances and performs in Leo through October 8, 2023 and finally clears its shadow on October 7, 2023 when it clears 28 degrees and 36 minutes of Leo, where it retrograded on July 22, 2023!

Venus chose to be very regal this summer and retrograded at the Royal Fixed Star known as Regulus, which is approximately 28 to 29 degrees of Leo in the 20th century; 0 degrees of Virgo by precession in 2023. Regulus represents royalty and fame. It means that you can rise in position in this lifetime.

Bear in mind that Venus only retrogrades once every eighteen months and is a personal planet that has a lot to do with how you interface with others, how you find your creative inspiration, how you earn money, how you value others, and how you honor yourself. Venus in Leo wants you to love yourself first and open your heart to others.

This could have been a really magical summer, and for some it really was! However, the Nodes of Fate changed signs on July 17, 2023, and shifted from the Taurus/Scorpio axis to the Aries/Libra axis. Pluto, the cosmic compost, clashed with the Nodes of fate on three different occasions: July 23rd, July 25th, and July 28, 2023 at the final degrees of Capricorn/Aries/Libra.

That is waking up and having your coffee date with your Appointment in Samarra. The caffeine will wake you up, but you cannot avoid the inevitable choices, changes, and acceptance of things you cannot control.

With Venus luxuriating in Leo and clashing with Jupiter in earthy Taurus, you envision lying on the beach kissing your lover passionately surrounded by sand and covered with beads of sweat. I hope that was the case for you, but many had to make big choices with Pluto slamming the Nodes of Destiny. The Nodes of Fate entail relationships, connections, and the direction in which you are meant to go.

The North Node entered the Cardinal fire sign of Aries on July 17, 2023, where it will transit through January 12, 2025. The North Node in Aries wants you to be a pioneer and initiate change; embrace your own identity and be fearless. Yet, in the collective with Saturn in Pisces, we are all interwoven souls swimming in search of forgotten dreams, home, and people that are no longer. You have to keep swimming. Those people are still your home and are still within you. You may have already heard them call your name this retrograde season.

When the Nodes changed signs this mid July, they automatically triggered and defaulted back to the Partial Solar Eclipse on April 20, 2023, which occurred at 29 degrees and 50 minutes of Aries. More answers as to what to you learned and experienced this past Spring during the very tumultuous Eclipse season.

There are a few interesting things to keep in mind before I dive into this magical New Moon because there is still a lot of joy, and we have to work with it. We have to honor the heart of the lion!

Remember that Venus remains in Leo through October 8, 2023 and does not clear its shadow until October 6, 2023, so it will be four months in total of the Venus in Leo story of 2023.

Venus in Leo story peaked when Venus retrograded at the Royal Fixed Regulus on July 22, 2023 at 28 degrees and 36 minutes of Leo. It also peaked on August 13, 2023 when Venus formed an inferior conjunction with the Sun in its dignity in Leo at 20 degrees of Leo. This occurs every eight years and is a new eight year story of what your heart wants, and what you want to magnetize into your life! You continue to work with that story this month, so seek within as to what you want.

There is a VERY manifesting New Moon in Virgo that occurs on September 14, 2023 at 9:40 pm EDT at 21 degrees and 59 minutes of the mutable earth sign of Virgo. This new moon defers to Mercury, which is currently in its dignity and loves being in Virgo. Mercury is just about to station direct on the following day in its rulership and by the world point, so it is telling BIG stories and has big news in our own lives and on the world stage.

As I scramble to write this, I read quickly that news broke out about an hour ago that Hunter Biden got indicted. I do not do political astrology, but that is big news just a month after such big events and historical indictments. The United States obviously feels its Pluto return, and Pluto’s square to the Nodes of Fate. Corruption, greed, and misuse of power dominate all playing fields.

Pay attention to the degrees. Saturn stationed retrograde on June 17, 2023 at 7 degrees and 12 minutes of the mutable water sign of Pisces. Seven degrees of the mutable signs is at the world axis and impacts every one of us: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

The Supermoon on August 30, 2023 occurred at 7 degrees and 25 minutes of Pisces — right at the world point and speaking back to Saturn’s station from last June. Saturn wants you to mature, ground yourself, and gain some wisdom.

What lessons have your learned so far? It has been so difficult to contain what is amorphous. Just as a little child attempts to hold the ocean in its hand, we all struggle to hold that moment of serenity. That is Saturn in Pisces. I finally found the words. We need to find moments of serenity because there will a lot of drifting these next few years as we heal. So many feel lost at sea, and we need to swim together and buoy eachother up again!

Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces, and the planet of vision, expansion, optimism, faith, and good fortune, retrograded on September 4, 2023 at 15 degrees and 34 minutes of the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Fifteen degrees of the fixed signs is also at the world point and influences people on the world stage, big world events, and every one of us, as we comprise the world.

Jupiter expands that with which it comes into contact. It expands joy, and it can also expand difficult situations at times. It also tries to help you see the light, but it can increase challenges. Jupiter is so abundant and creative in Taurus, so let’s focus on that for today.

Jupiter’s station in Taurus speaks back to the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2023 that occurred at 16 degrees of Taurus and was conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprise. Jupiter also speaks back to the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 5, 2023 that occurred at 14 degrees and 58 minutes of the fixed water sign of Scorpio — again right by the world point.

More information uncovered from events from last fall and this past Spring; opportunities to improve with Jupiter now at the world point and to revise what has happened with Jupiter now retrograding at these degrees.

The New Moon occurs on September 14, 2023 at 9:40 pm EDT at 21 degrees and 59 minutes of Virgo. This is the exact degree where Mercury retrograded on August 23, 2023. You have learned a lot this summer, and it has been difficult in many ways to move ahead with the retrograde energy so strong. It has been a time of celebrations for many, reunions, and return of ghosts from the past. Now is a time to innovate NEW beginnings as you plan your next step.

Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces, and the planet of vision, expansion, optimism, faith, and good fortune, retrograded on September 4, 2023 at 15 degrees and 34 minutes of the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Fifteen degrees of the fixed signs is also at the world point and influences people on the world stage, big world events, and every one of us, as we comprise the world.

Jupiter expands that with which it comes into contact. It expands joy, and it can also expand difficult situations at times. It also tries to help you see the light, but it can increase challenges. Jupiter is so abundant and creative in Taurus, so let’s focus on that for today.

Jupiter’s station in Taurus speaks back to the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2023 that occurred at 16 degrees of Taurus and was conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprise. Jupiter also speaks back to the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 5, 2023 that occurred at 14 degrees and 58 minutes of the fixed water sign of Scorpio — again right by the world point.

More information uncovered from events from last fall and this past Spring; opportunities to improve with Jupiter now at the world point and to revise what has happened with Jupiter now retrograding at these degrees.

The New Moon occurs on September 14, 2023 at 9:40 pm EDT at 21 degrees and 59 minutes of Virgo. This is the exact degree where Mercury retrograded on August 23, 2023. You have learned a lot this summer, and it has been difficult in many ways to move ahead with the retrograde energy so strong. It has been a time of celebrations for many, reunions, and return of ghosts from the past. Now is a time to innovate NEW beginnings as you plan your next step.

I cast the chart for Washington DC, and the chart has Taurus Ascendant with Venus as the ruler of the chart — just 30 minutes away from being right at the world point and setting off Jupiter. That is excessive, but that is also HIGHLY creative, magical, romantic, fun, and passionate!

The New Moon falls in the fifth house of romance and creativity and forms a beautiful Grand Trine in Earth, which is very fertile energy that gives structure to your manifestations. The New Moon is 120 degrees apart from Uranus, the planet of brilliance and networking; both are 120 degrees apart from Pluto, the planet of transcendence. This a very harmonious synergy that really helps to manifest your dreams and hard work!

Earth signs help to materialize your efforts and bring things to form. Mercury is just a degree from the world point and rules this New Moon in Virgo, which wants you to work on new projects, be creative, and get rid of the clutter that keeps you from your heart’s desire. Mercury stations direct on September 15, 2023 at 4:21 pm EDT at 8 degrees of Virgo and gives us a lot more information about what we have been working with since mid June. Mercury remains in the sign of Virgo through October 5, 2023. It clears it shadow on September 30, 2023 when it reaches 21 degrees of Virgo.

The New Moon is an excellent time to journal your thoughts and do the Law of Abundance. Date the check for September 14, 2023. Where it says pay to the order or, print your full name. Where you normall print dollar amount, print, “Paid in Full.” At the bottom of the check, sign, “The Law of Abundance.” Wishing you awesome New Moon manifestation, as Jupiter is very powerful right now!!