October 2023: Eclipses with a side of hash browns

Hi, Everyone,

Can you feel the stirring and the excitement in the air? Eclipse season is officially upon us! We experienced three Supermoons: Two in the month of August and one on September 29, 2023 that officially began Eclipse Season.

In the month of August, there were two Supermoons. Two big whoppers occurred in the month of August on the 1st and the 30th and took my sweet Billy cat with them. I am still in mourning, and I heard and felt his energy yesterday. My boyfriend said to hold off on getting another cat yet, and I know he is right. My best friend Ben feels Billy’s energy all of the time, and he watches over us!

Let’s get to the Eclipses because I am starting to focus in a way that I have not for the majority of the year. Eclipse are dramatic wild cards that shake us up and wake us up! Eclipses can bring life changing news in a flash and make you see things in a way in which you never have before.

A silly example I can use does illustrate how Eclipses make us see things. I remember this because it actually occurred on the day of an Eclipse. I could not get a cab across town from the West side to the East side and was late for an appointment. A guy drove by with a motorcycle and two helmets and offered me a ride across town. I am not one to pull an Easy Rider on the fly with a stranger on 10th avenue, but I had to get to my appointment.

I figured that odd and unusual things occur on Eclipses and to go with the flow. This guy had good energy, and it was a very enjoyable trip across Central Park. I felt like Alice Wonderland spinning across the park and soaking in all of its wonders in a very fast pace.

The interesting that thing that was the experience itself was like an Eclipse in that I immediately saw things in a way I normally do not. Eclipses are very revealing and bring things to light. Instead of being in the back of a taxi cab, I made direct eye contact with the drivers and suddenly felt much more at the helm — as opposed to sitting and not paying attention in the back seat. Believe me, you don’t want me as a back seat or a front seat driver, but that’s a story for another time! 🙂

On September 29, 2023, there was a Supermoon at six degrees of the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries, and this officially marked Eclipse season, as the final Lunation that precedes the Eclipses defines Eclipse season.

Eclipses always occur in pairs and are two weeks apart. We feel the buildup two weeks before the Eclipses begin and two weeks after they occur. I have noticed that if an Eclipse really hits a person’s chart, they can have a major event or revelation up to a month beforehand, and the energy and events can certainly linger for up to a month or even up to a few months afterwards.

Eclipses bring a sense of pressure, and they can raise your anxiety; as if you can feel like something is about to happen and are very much in tune with it. Eclipses bring major turning points. A lot occurs in a very short period of time. Major beginnings and endings happen in a brief period of time. People often take on new jobs, leave a job, move, break up from a relationship, take on a new promotion. Life changing events can occur very quickly!

Often, it is something that has built up for a while and suddenly explodes. Eclipses can eclipse people and situations right out of our lives. Eclipses remind me a bit of Uranus cycles in that they are very eye opening and are meant to raise our consciousness. Yet, both Uranus cycles and Eclipses have something similar to the Tower card in that they can be very jarring and eject you from your reality in a millisecond.

Over the summer, the Nodes of Fate changed signs on July 17, 2023 and entered the Aries/Libra axis. The North Node transits in Aries through January 12, 2025. The North Node is where you are meant to grow. In Aries, it is embracing being a pioneer and having the courage to initiate new things in a tentative time.

Pluto clashed with the Nodes of fate three times in the month of July, and a lot of people have had to make critical decisions on where they are going in their living situation, work, relationships, etc.

Mercury, the planet of communication, cleared its shadow on September 30th meaning that it reached 21 degrees of the mutable earth sign of Virgo, which is where it retrograded on August 21, 2023. Venus, the planet of value, partnerships, money, and creativity, retrograded on July 22, 2023 at 28 degrees and 36 minutes of Leo.

Venus finally clears it shadow on October 7th when it gets to 28 degrees of Leo and it leaves the sign of Leo altogether on October 8, 2023 when it enters the mutable air earth sign of Virgo. Venus loves being in Leo; but, I think the strong Plutonian energy with the Nodes of Fate dampened the levity, joy, and promise of Venus in Leo. I saw some people really thrive and soar with the Venus in Leo tale. Some of those people natally have Regulus (27 to 29 degrees of Leo) in their birth charts were pretty unstoppable.

I noticed a lot of reconnection to the past for so many people this summer, as there were six planets retrograde. Venus only retrogrades once every eighteen months. Mercury, the personal planet of communication and transportation, entered its shadow at 8 degrees of Virgo on August 4th and retrograded on August 21st, so there were two personal planets in retrograde or shadow retrograde energy — aside from six planets in total. Things felt very much on hold!

Now, the two personal planets clear their shadow, and a Solar Eclipse is on the way! Mercury, the planet of information, news, learning, things, and ideas, enters the Cardinal air sign of Libra on October 4, 2023 at 8:09 pm EDT, where it tours through October 22nd. Although Mercury is in its strongest position while in its domicile in Virgo, it loves being in air signs, which are very cerebral; Mercury in Aries is great for socializing and partnering with others. It also lends more energy to the Libra Eclipse!

Venus, which rules both the signs of Libra and Taurus (the two upcoming Eclipses) changes signs on October 8, 2023 and enters the mutable earth sign of Virgo, where it will transit through November 8, 2023. Venus is technically in its fall position while in the sign of Virgo, as it is exalted in the opposite sign of Pisces. This brings a very analytical tone, and it replays the recent Mercury retrograde in Virgo. Perhaps, you get more information and details during a very revealing Eclipse season.

The idea is that these Eclipses are very relationship oriented and focused on security. The Nodes of Fate just changed signs a few months ago, so we have one final Eclipse in the Taurus/Scorpio axis, which focuses on money, security, income, and value.

Eclipses recur approximately every nineteen years; therefore, this Eclipse series did occur in October of 2004 when there was an Annual Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2004; as well as a Partial Lunar Eclipse at in Taurus on October 28, 2004. Eclipses can bring back certain themes. It may not play out the exact same way. Although Eclipses are very unpredictable, you can control how you interface with the events and with your emotions; as well as with others.

Again, remember that Eclipse bring us information that we may never had up until this point, and they brings things to light and make us see things. Up until the beginning of this month, the two personal planets were either retrograde, in retrograde shadow, or retrograde at the same time. Now, they are clearing and changing signs. Mercury changes signs October 4, 2023, and Venus changes signs on October 8, 2023.

Pluto, the planet of power, intensity, major departures, death, and rebirth, stations retrograde at 27 degrees and 53 minutes of the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn on October 10, 2023. We feel the buildup five days before and five days after. We start to feel Pluto’s intensity as of October 5, 2023. It exaggerates the energy of Pluto and brings a very heavy, emotional and Scorpionic tone. A lot of endings, moves, and breakups in Libra season.

Solar Eclipses are like New Moons are on steroids. A new moon is a time of new beginnings and planting new seeds. However, I have seen major endings on Solar Eclipses; I have seen major beginnings and new opportunities emerge on Lunar Eclipses. To have a beginning, you must end something. To end something, you also begin a new chapter. Change is in the air, so you better wear your helmet and look at the world straight in the eye and ready for adventure!

Mars, the planet of action, drive, anger, and ambition, enters the fixed water sign of Scorpio on October 12, 2023, where it will tour through November 24, 2023.

As aforementioned, Eclipses always come in pairs. Usually, we have four Eclipses in a year with two occurring every six months. Every now and then, we get six Eclipses in a year, and that is a real eye opening year of change ahead! I will not go into detail about both of these Eclipses quite yet. However, we are transitioning from the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse axis, which is focused a lot on money, income, value, debt, taxes, intimacy, lost, and blocks around wounds.

The Eclipses are now in the Aries/Libra axis through Spring of 2025. Eclipses occur for about two to two and a half years in a Sign axis, in which we are meant to release that what is hindering us (the South Node) and grow towards what we are meant to embrace (The North Node). The Solar Eclipse occurs on October 14, 2023 at 1:55 pm EDT at 21 degrees and 7 minutes of the cardinal air sign of Libra.

This Eclipse sets off the legendary pairing of the two malefics of the Zodiac: Saturn and Pluto. The two met up at the world point at 22 degrees of the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn on January 12, 2020 and forever brought down the structures in our world. In some cases, it is permanent. In some cases, a lot of scaffolding and repair.

This Eclipse is less than a minute from the world point and really packs a punch. Make sure to clear the energy, declutter, clean your house, burn sage, or palo santo, blow some cinnamon in your front door, and make space for GREAT things to happen! 🙂

The Solar Eclipse is a time to do the Law of Abundance and set new intentions, as this is a HIGHLY and VERY powerful new moon that is triple the strength of a typical new moon.

Again, the south node is transiting in the sign of Libra, so there may be people, relationships, and situations that are eclipses out of our lives. Often with Eclipse energy, it can be permanent. If things are tense in a partnership and you want to give it more time, this is is not a time for a real heart-to-heart discussion about where this is going.

Give it a little more and then test the waters. People and special opportunities can definitely be eclipsed INTO our lives, and this is a time to manifest what gives you happiness, as Venus rules this New Moon Eclipse.

The South Node is exactly on the the New Moon Eclipse, so inevitably there is a sense of letting go in some way or another — whether if it is just releasing fear. The Solar Eclipse is inconjunct Neptune in Pisces, which means that there is a need for readjustment, and there could be some disappointment that you need to try to work on going forward. Perhaps hidden information gets brought to light with this energy. Mars, the cosmic warrior, is exactly on the North Node in Aries; Eris, the goddess of discord and the sister of Mars, is right on the South Node of Karma in Libra.

Pluto forms a volatile and serious T-Square, and many people will feel the need to stir up power dynamics. Again, if something is really not for your best good, this Eclipse can eclipse relationships and relational patterns that are not healthy.

There will be a lot of breakups this Libra season. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, is also inconjunct this New Moon Eclipse at 21 degrees and 6 minutes of Libra, and that could bring unexpected flareups, opportunities, and chaos.

Some great new partnerships will also occur, and there will be a very karmic undertone with the South Node on the New Moon. There is a Grand Trine in water with Mars, the planet of action, strong in Scorpio in house of manifestation; Saturn, the planet of structure, in Pisces in the house of value, skills, money, and resources, Vesta, the asteroid of hearth and home, in the sixth house of habits.

Take actions to bring value and health to your life. Do manifesting to help with money, hope, and healthy habits. LOVE Is the theme, and this recent Venus retrograde in Regulus reminded us of that, but it don’t come easy. You know it don’t come easy!

Remember to do the Law of Abundance on the Solar Eclipse in Libra. Date the check for October 14, 2023. Where it says, “Pay to the Order of,” print your full name. Where it says dollar amount, print, “Paid in Full.” At the bottom of the check, print, “The Law of Abundance. You have been re-evaluating all summer what is important to your heart, creativity, and happiness. Now is time to do something about it, and the charge is here! #astrology #horoscope #zodiac