Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: In search of Happy dreams

Hi, Everyone,
The moment we have been waiting for us is upon us: The partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on September 17, 2024 at 10:34 pm EDT at 25 degrees and 41 minutes of Pisces. This Full Moon Eclipse occurs in a mutable water sign, which means that it is extremely intuitive, emotional, psychic, sensitive, and is constantly fluid and taking different shapes.
This Eclipse series defaults back to the last time the Eclipses were in the Pisces/Virgo axis, and that began on March 20, 2015 when there was a Total Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees and 27 minutes of Pisces, which is the final degree of Pisces and of the Zodiac. This is exactly the degree at which Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, was transiting from May 4, 2024 through September 4, 2024 and will return next spring on and off through February 15, 2026.
Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses are extra powerful Full and New Moons. In order to have an Eclipse, the Nodes of Destiny have to be within 18 degrees of the Sun and the Moon. That is why Eclipse seasons are so eventful and bring very fated and dramatic events that can sometimes change our lives in a flash and that bring big revelations, moves, major beginnigs, endings, and an end to situations that have been brewing for a long time.
Neptune at the last degree of Pisces is wrapping up all of the lessons and challenges of the signs that precede the mutable water sign of Pisces. The final degrees of Pisces is the Fixed star known as Scheat and is a degree of empathy, creativity, and selfless love. However, it is also a degree of self undoing, suicide, despair, addiction, drowing, and being lost at sea.
At this moment, many are drowning in the mental health and drug epidemic, and this is a time where it is crucial to practice healthy tools for self care both emotionally and physically. Check in on on people that struggle with depression or addiction issues.
This Lunar Eclipse is a time of endings, departures, loss, and surrender. It is also an Eclipse where many are learning more about their spiritual journey that is led by both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. The Nodes of Fate change signs next January, and the North Node of Karma enters the final degree of Pisces, where Neptune recently transited for several months. This brings a big focus on connecting to your intuition, learning new spiritual and healing tools to serve you in various ways, and finding some kind of faith in a time of uncertainty.
Over the weekend, Venus formed a beautiful angle to Jupiter, the planet of optismism, blessings, opportunities, and hope. Venus is the planet of value, self esteem, creativity, and love. It is currently transiting in its home sign of Libra, where is loves to be and is centered on justice, relationships, and partnering. Those are the two benefics of the Zodiac, and they are still in harmony.
Venus proceeded to oppose Chiron the wounded Healer, on September 16, 2024 at 22 degrees of Libra and Aries, which are at the world point and impacts all of us. Chiron in Aries wants you to have courage to be imperfect and be yourself. It wants you to face yourself.
This Lunar Eclipse is very much about surrendering and letting go; yet, it is a North Node Eclipse, which indicates that that there is a lot of opportunity for self growth in the revelations that occur. Eclipses bring things to light and make us see things in a way we never have before. The North in Aries reinforces what Chiron wants you to do, and that is to be yourself, be confident, and take new steps to grow and get out of your comfort zone to heal with this vulnerable eclipse in Pisces.
Eclipses bring things to light and make us see things in a way in which we never have before. The partial Lunar Eclipse occurs when a fraction of the moon is covered by the Earth’s shadow. It is a still a very revelant and impactful Lunar Eclipse in that it meets up with Neptune, which is so pronounced in the collective journey this year both with Saturn and Neptune transiting in the Neptune driven sign of Pisces; but, also with Neptune at the Final degree of the Zodiac, where it has not been in approximately 165 years, as that it takes Neptune to orbit the sun.
This Lunar Eclipse takes place at 10:43 pm EDT at 25 degrees and 41 minutes of Pisces and is conjunct Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, psychic ability, imagination, creativity, secrets, hidden information, deception, confusion, and fog. In some cases, deception will be brought to light in a big way, as Neptune is the hidden, and Eclipses are revealing. This is also a time to pay attention to your dreams and messages you receive in different ways — whether it be through a song, the time on your phone, a licence plate, etc. This is a time to connect spirit guides, angels, and those that can help you.
The Full Moon Eclipse also squares Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces, which expands whatever it touches and can amplify the dreamy, intuitive, and psychic energy of this Eclipse. With Neptune close to the Moon, and the Full Moon Eclipse in conflict with Jupiter, many feel extremely drained and tired. This is a time to get extra rest. Virgo is a connection of mind and health and a time to stay grounded and focused on details. Pisces is a time of suspension of disbelief, listening within, and is much more out-of-body.
Write down things that you want to release — old grievances of people that have hurt you that you wish to forgive. You can also forgive yourself. If you can, burn those notes and clear your heart. Make room for new dreams. In this Eclipse chart, there is a kite. Neptune, which rules the sign of pisces and is the planet of dreams, forms a sextile to Pluto, the planet of transformation, which is at the very final degree of Capricorn and finishing up its 16 year story around letting of old systems, structures, and changes in power.
A sextile occurs when two planets or points are sixty degrees apart, and it is an aspect of opportunity. The Sun in Virgo forms a trine to Uranus, the planet of surprise and brilliance. This occurs when two planets are 120 degrees apart, and this is a flow of energy between the two.
The two planets also form trine to Pluto, the planet of transformation, and this is causes what is known as Grand Trine and is a triangle. This is a very lucky and inspiring configuration and is a Grand Trine in Earth, which brings some opportunity to bring to earth what we are channeling intuitively. The Moon in Pisces opposes the Sun and forms a kite.
A Kite occurs when there is a Grand Trine and a fourth planet opposes one of the planets in the Grand Trine as that involves a Grand trine and forms a sextile (60 apart) from the other two configured planets, which in this case are Neptune and Pluto at the Final degrees of their signs: Pisces and Capricorn. A Kite has a fated element that can bring development and personal growth; albeit, with some tests along the way.
This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is between Saturn, the planet of responsibility, accountability, and structure; as well as Neptune, the planet of dissolution, confusion, and spirituality. The Moon met up with Saturn, planet of limitations and restrictions, at 6:11 am EDT and this underscores the lessons and themes we need to heed in order to obtain the dream.
Mercury, the planet of information, opposes Saturn, planet of reality, on September 18th, 2024 at 4:50 am EDT. There is a sobering affect to an Eclipse, where people can really lose a sense of reality; yet many will try to escape with The Moon conjunct Neptune and square Jupiter. Remember to really heed the messages now. Many truths will be brought to light. I wish you much luck.