Full Moon in Aries packs a punch!

Hi, Everyone,

In spite of being awake until after 4 am, I feel called to write this newsletter. It will not a big one; but, Aries energy tends to blow up so quickly, that it need not be. The caffeine is soaring through my body like the Grand Cross soon will be in the sky, and I am amped up and ready to go!

Before we dive into this tempestuous and stormy Full Moon, let’s reflect on what recently has occurred. Jupiter, the Grand Benefic, retrograded on October 9, 2024 at 21 degrees and 20 minutes of Gemini. We feel that energy five days before and five days afterwards. Jupiter represents optimism, hope, the big vision, philosophies, belief systems, higher learning, and benevelonce.

Jupiter is the greater benefic, but it also exaggerates whatever it touches — good or bad. Pluto, the planet of power, dominion, death, regeneration, destruction, and renewal, stationed direct on October 11, 2024 at 29 degrees and 38 minutes of the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. We feel that INTENSITY five days before and five days afterwards. This was all within about a week of the Solar Eclipse in Libra.

When Pluto stations, generally there are big endings, major revelations to get brought to light, layoffs, and breakups. As I used to say about a guy in college whose name I did not know, “There goes Mr. Intense.” He really was not anything but a sheltered rich kid, but we will utilize him for this story. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Mr/they Intense is definitely walking around, and it is heavy! Unlike the joker in school, Mr. Intense is not joking around with us. Lessons that come up now for you need to be heeded.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, thoughts, and ideas, entered the Fixed water sign of Scorpio on October 13, 2024, where it will tour through November 2, 2024. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio, and it is a phenomenal placement for uncovering information and getting to the bottom of things. Pluto is the cosmic detective, and it will get to the bottom of things.

All of the outer planets retrograde for several months per year. Pluto retrograded on May 2, 2024 at 2 degrees and 6 minutes of the Fixed air sign of Aquarius. Pluto will ingress back into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, where it will transit through March 8, 2043. The New Age of Aquarius will be moving at such a rapid pace, and the frequencies will be on a whole other level.

In the interim, we are wrapping up karmic stories around the material goals, finances, money, power, people in authority, status, and Capricorn themes. This is the final ending of the Epoch of Capricorn, which was at its height in 2020 when Saturn and Pluto met up at 22 degrees of Capricorn, Jupiter was transiting in Capricorn, and Eclipses were in the Capricorn/Cancer axis.

29 degrees of a sign is a degree of crisis. This is the universe imploring you to let go of the old structures, relationships,patterns, and lifestyle that no longer serves you. We were unconsciously already working in a new era of intuition, new ways of thinking, and technology for several years; but, we shut the doors down permanently on November 19, 2024. Pluto will be leaving the building to start something completely new.

Therefore, this Full Moon is a wopper of a Full Moon because it is combative, contentious, argumentive, and it wants endings. It also wants you to be a warrior with disgression. Is that possible?! The Full Moon occurs on October 17, 2024 at 7:26 am EDT at 24 degrees and 35 minutes of the Cardinal fire sign of Aries.

I set the chart for Washington DC, and the Eclipse chart has Libra ascendant with the Sun right on the angle. It forms what is known as a Grand Cross in that the Sun and Moon are always opposite during a Full moon; they are 180 degrees apart.

Add to the fact that Mars in Cancer, which is a moody placement for Mars and the ruler of this fiery full moon in Aries, sends out a punch both to the Sun and Moon in Libra; it also forms a wide opposition to Pluto, which says this has been a drawn-out goodbye, but good riddance! Chiron, which is the Wounded Healer, is only three degrees away from the Moon in Aries and emphasizes all of the pain and wounds. All of the loss. Chiron sets of that legendary pairing of the two malefics: Saturn and Pluto. They met up at 22 degrees of Capricorn, and that is getting triggered by Chiron and this Full Moon in Aries.

This Full Moon marks the official end of Eclipse season, as it is the first lunation since the Eclipses; however, I feel we deal with the lingering effects a while longer — particularly with Pluto at its final degree in Capricorn. A lot of people in power being brought down, a lot of heavy world situations that are highly tentative, and a lot of fear. Aries is such an impulsive sign, but this is certainly not a time for any of us to act with impulsivity. Mars and Pluto in combat is an aspect of violence. Those are the two rulers of Scorpio.

I think this Full Moon also reminds us that Mars will be retrograde for quite some time; as it only retrogrades once every 22 months. Mars enters Leo on November 3, 2024 — right after it forms an exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. That is very virulent energy. Not to be in fear but to mindful that that energy is at play in early November. We always feel Mars transits before they are exact; therefore, it may be at play on November 1st and 2nd.

Mars retrogrades on December 6, 2024 at 6 degrees and 11 minutes of the Fixed fire sign of Leo and stations direct on February 23, 2025 at 17 degrees of Cancer. It will not leave the sign of Cancer until April 18, 2025 and will not clear its shadow until May 2, 2024. This is very useful energy because when Mars is retrograde, it is not an ideal time to get surgery, to launch a new business, to start a new job, or to change your appearance.

We cannot all avoid those time frames, so do as much as you can now to eliminate the fears of what keeps you back. This Full moon could incite so much anger in people; but, the idea is that the first Eclipse in Pisces was so vulnerable and delicate. It was conjunct Neptune, which reached the final degree of Pisces and of the Zodiac. These natural disasters, storms, hurricanes, and floods throughout Europe, Asia, Mexico, America, etc. has been horrific. I am sure I have left places out, but it shows how many storms have occurred since September.

Pisces is the part of the subsconscious mind. As much it is indicates our dreams and imagination, it also summons our fears and nightmares. This Full Moon in Aries may be incendiary, but maybe that is what we need to fuel us to fight the unknown. Not with impulse, not with meaningless destruction, but with confidence and forward motion. Do as much as you can to get yourself in line for 2025. Mars will retrograde before the end of the year, but we will still have six weeks. If you are launching something big, take all of the micro and macro steps now to get it in motion.

If you are in a group setting tomorrow, a meditation circle, a sound bath, or with friends, this is a great time to do a group ritual to release fears together.

A lot of breakups and endings since the Solar Eclipse in Libra. Focusing on what is of value and finding people that align with those values as we re-enter the REAL NEW AGE OF AQUARIUS! I know this is such a tough time for all, and I am going through something on a personal level as well. Rember that the North Node of Karma is still in Aries through January 6, 2025, which encourages you to have COURAGE and be BOLD in this very uncertain time in the world. Most importantly, please keep love in your heart! #fullmoon #Aries #Libra #plutodirect #astrology