Astrologer Tisch Aitken
I am a New York based Astrologer and Tarot reader with over a decade of experience. I study through the NCGR education program for astrologers. I incorporate both Astrology and Tarot into my readings at parties.
I currently read for two major international websites with diverse personal clientele and at several corporate and private events. I love working with people at parties and I am very passionate about what I do.
Full Moon in Leo was reminder to connect to heart!
Hi, Everyone,
Although the Full Moon in Leo has passed, it was a cosmic reminder for all to focus on the heart chakra, love, happiness, and joy. The moon is currently in the Mutable earth sign of Virgo, where there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on 3/14/25 at 23 degrees and 56 minutes of Virgo. Yesterday’s Full Moon was the final Full Moon before Eclipse season.
A New Moon occurs in the Mutable water sign of Pisces on 2/27/25; but, many will start to feel the Eclipse energy now. I usually feel it a month before the Eclipses occur and certainly up to a month afterwards. Eclipses are time when the Full Moon and New Moon are like full moons and new moons on steroids. In order for an Eclipse to occur, the Nodes of the Moon have to be within 19 degrees of the Full Moon or the New Moon. This is a date with destiny, where fated events can change your life in a flash.
Eclipses wake us up and shake up out of our complacency. Sometimes, it can happen in moment, where you had no idea of something, and it can your life forever. Sometimes, events, relationships, or situations have been building up for a while, and Eclipses can eclipse people and dynamics out of our lives or into our lives.
Expect the unexpected, a sense of heated activity, and a lot happening in a very short period of time. Expect to hear big stories. Eclipse uncover information and bring things to light.
With that said, this month is preparation for a huge time in March in which the final Eclipse in Aries occurs, and we deal with a big Aries/Pisces pileup of planetary reflection and Eclipse reveals.
We began the year of 2025 with Pluto, the cosmic agent of change and metamorphosis, newly in the sign of Aquarius, where it returned on 11/19/24. Pluto in Aquarius sets the tone of the next 19 years. Aquarius is a Fixed air sign that is very cerebral and interested in technology, networking, connections, friends, groups, learning, space exploration, and thinking beyond ordinary limits. The sign of Aquarius embraces the future and the infinite possibility of the mind and technology.
The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, which is the planet of chaos, genius, technology, breakthroughs, instability, electricity, shocks, surprises, and mayhem. Pluto in Capricorn dismounted many structures in our world: people in authority, power structures, the ways we do business, and the traditions that may have once been important.
We are no longer operating in a world that is Monday through Friday nine to five pm, and we have not been for a long time. I feel that when Pluto enters a sign, italways digs up where change has already been occurring, eroding, dying, and rebirthing for a long time. Capricorn deals with old institutions, structures, and people in authority. Many structures have come down since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, and many now work for themselves and deal with a much more remote existence.
The New Moon in Aquarius set the tone for this year. The New Moon chart had a lot of points in the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, which characterizes the early leg of the Pluto in Aquarius journey, where the focus is to raise your frequencies, open your mind, and your soul to the collective. The New Moon had four points in Aquarius that want you to ascend to a whole other point of being: Pluto, the planet of empowerment; Mercury, the planet of learning; The moon, which is how you get your needs met; The sun, which represents your ego, and how you shine.
There were also four points in Pisces, which emphasize selfless love based on merging on a soul level. This is completely disparate from the Aquarian vibe and so needed in a time, where mental health is a big focus. Love is needed in healing a broken world. To be creative, we need to brainstorm together in a time where many are experiencing tremendous depression, alienation, and social anxiety.
Here are the four points in Pisces in the New moon chart, which also speak for the year of 2025: Saturn, the cosmic architest, which structures through dreams and imagination while in Pisces; Venus, the planet of love, partnering, and value, which is exalted and so creative and magical in Pisces; Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, which emphasizes selflessness and faith. The North Node of Karma, which is the direction we are meant to embrace as a society through July 27, 2025.
The challenge in this New of Aquarius lies in becoming too remote, too rebotic, too chaotic, and too overwhelmed with anxiety to become socialized and work on the infinite potential of the collective. When we had a New Moon in Aquarius at the end of January, Mercury met up with Pluto early that morning to remind us that we need to elevate and transmute our thinking. We need to release old limiting beliefs that keep us from reaching that infinite magic.
Every time a planet ingresses into Aquarius, it meets up Pluto, the planet of renewal. It is time to renew your thinking, and how you interact with the world. The only constant is change; but, the in the New Age of Aquarius, it is fast, rapid and fixed change. It can happen like a bolt of lightening.
Aquarius embraced the cerebral and intellectual potential. However, if the focus is merely on the intellect without soul, our world is in a lot of trouble. That Full Moon in Leo on 2/12/25 reminded us all that we need to focus on HEART!
Just as Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius, the heart and mind are closely interconnected. We are now in a time where instant change can happen more easily, and we need to morph to that reality. You may have to work late on a Saturday night on a project and sleep in late on a Monday morning. Uranus can be VERY exciting. It can be so creative and mentally stimulating; but, it can also give you a panic attack if you let it.
Remind yourself to breathe and connect to the heart. You control how you co-create with the Universe. Take deep breaths and manifesting from your heart what your world of magic could entail.
We began the year with Mars retrograde, and it is about to station direct on 2/23/25 at 17 degrees and 1 minute of the Cardinal water sign of Cancer. Mars rules the sign of Aries, where Venus will retrograde on 3/1/25 at 10 degees and 50 minutes of Aries. Venus stations direct on 4/12/25 at 24 degrees and 38 minutes of the mutable water sign of Pisces.
We really only have a very small window in which all the planets are direct: 2/23/25 — 3/1/25 when Venus retrogrades. Mars and Venus will be both in their shadow periods; but, it is better than nothing, if you have something big you wish to launch during that period.
The Eclipses are transitioning from the Aries/Libra axis, in which the North Node in Aries invited you to have courage to embrace a whole new era of change and be a cosmic pionner.
The North Node is now in Pisces, which urges you to help people worse of than yourself, be creative, connect to dreams, and heal yourself ina broken world. Venus initially retrogrades in Aries, where it is in its fall position; but, it reminds you still to have adventures and the courage to have fun; yet, not to be so focused on self. Enough about you; what about them?!
Venus, Neptune, and The North Node of Destiny had a dance of dreams that occurred on 2/1/25 at 28 degrees of Pisces. That cosmic dance leads us all to love. This was not Billy Idol signing, and they were not dancing by themselves!
These points in Pisces were intimately enmeshed on a soul level in which the planets gently whispered, “Take my hand — even if you are afraid. I know of hallways paved in chocolate, where adults are not allowed. Magic is the cocktail of choice. Peter, the Rabbit, will lead the way; but, you are in charge. The only rule is to be kind. No adults are allowed! ” They tend to mess these things up, as they have problems with suspending disbelief and manifesting magic.
This winter and spring affords you an opportunity to find the courage to heal your own inner child, be courageous to help others, reflect on how you can rebirth your learning, thinking, and doing business. Mercury retrogrades in the middle of the month on March 15, 2025 at 9 degrees and 36 minutes of Aries — less than two degrees off from where Venus retrogrades at the beginning of the month and right conjunct where the Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on 3/29/25 at 9 degrees of the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries.
So much focus on self(Aries) and on the collective(Pisces). The Lunar Eclipse on 3/14/25 defaults back to the Total Lunar Eclipse that occurred on 9/17/24 at 25 degrees and 50 minutes of Pisces. Venus will set that story off and give more answers when she stations direct in April. Mercury retrogrades initially in Aries; but, it stations direct on 4/7/25 at 26 degrees and 49 minutes of Pisces and also gives us more information about the Eclipses and the Venus retrograde tale.
So, the Eagles won, and what is in your spiritual wallet?! Art without heart cannot exist; Brilliance with no soul renders you robotic. You co-create with this chaos, unlimited portals, and magic of the angels. It is your choice! #astrology #horoscope #zodiac