Tisch Aitken
Video Aug
Video July
Video June
Video May
New Moon in Pisces: Manifest Miracles in the chaos!
Full Moon in Leo was reminder to connect to heart!
New Moon in Aquarius: Fly up to the sky!
Full Moon in Gemini: Realign your thoughts
New Moon in Scorpio: Pluto transforms your life!
Full Moon In Aries Packs A Punch
New Moon in Leo: Turn on your Love Light!
Summer Solstice: Stand still in LOVE revisited
New Moon in Taurus: Time to pick your chosen fruits!
Charge the New Moon in Aquarius with your vision for the future!
Full Moon in Leo: Activate your heart chakra!
New Moon in Capricorn: We finally get a head start!
Mercury retrograde: Release your past
Sagittarius Season: What is your vision?
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Where are our values?
Solar Eclipse in Libra: Fight for love!
October 2023: Eclipses with a side of hash browns
Supermoon in Pisces: A Moon for the Broken Hearted Copy
Manifesting New Moon of Revision and Initiation
Venus Starpoint: The Heart is a lonely hunter
Nodes change signs, and it’s time to rally!
Neptune station: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Three planets change signs: The shift is real!
Full Moon in Sagittarius reminds us not to lose hope
Jupiter in taurus is time for cherry picking
Solar Eclipse of the Heart and Spirit!
Pluto in Aquarius: Ascend the world!
Saturn enters Pisces: Anchor the unimaginable.
New Moon In Pisces: The Magical Mystery Tour Is Coming To Take You Away!
Full Moon in Cancer: Soothe my soul
Jupiter wrapping in Pisces: searching for faith
Eclipse Recovery
Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: No night light needed
Full Moon in Aries: How do you find your courage?
Equinox of Balance and Love in the Cosmic Storm
Full Moon in Pisces: A Moon for lovey
Full Moon in Aquarius: It’s electric!
New Moon in Leo: If only it were that simple
Supermoon in Capricorn: What is real?
Tapping into creativity in the midst of turbulence
New Moon in Cancer: Napping in Neptune’s night
Mercury and Saturn station: Re-frame your thoughts
Post Eclipse Drama: Be courageous!
Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Please give me the courage to dream!
Solar Eclipse: Wake up to love!
Solar Eclipse: Wake up to love!
Pisces Season: Swimming in Circles
New Moon in Pisces: Hope glimmers among the broken.
Venus and Mars — Help me find my inner muse?
Post Venus Retrograde: How do you own love and value?
Full Moon in Cancer: Searching for something
Venus Starpoint in Capricorn: What’s your plan?
Full Moon in Gemini: Nothing is real!
Monthly Horoscopes for December 2021
Full Moon in Gemini: Nothing is real!
Full Moon in Aries: Don’t get mad. Get busy!
Monthly Horoscopes for October
November 2021
Monthly Horoscopes for August
Monthly Horoscopes for July
Monthly Horoscopes for June
Monthly Horoscopes for May
Monthly Horoscopes for April
Mercury retrograde in Libra: How do you partner?
The New Moon in Leo: A moon of surprise!
This is the re-awakening of the Age of Aquarius!
Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo: What makes you happy?
Full Moon in Capricorn: Release the restrictions that keep you from magic.
Solar Eclipse in Gemini: Put pen to paper
Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Seek your truth!
New Moon in Taurus: Walk the Talk!
Full Moon in Scorpio: Purge to empower!
Aries season : Spring ahead with new dreams!
Mercury retrograde: In search for infinite awareness.
Mercury retrograde: In search for infinite awareness.
This is the dawning of the age of inspiration.
Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: If you believe in magic!
New Moon in Scorpio: Magical metamorphosis.
Saturn stations direct in Capricorn: Look in the mirror.
New Moon in Virgo: Thoughts become things.
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