New Moon in Pisces: Manifest Miracles in the chaos!

Hi, Everyone,

There is a New Moon in Pisces that occurs at 9 degrees and 40 minutes of the Mutable water sign of Pisces at 7:45 pm EST. A New Moon is a Lunar cycle when the Sun and the Moon meet up at exactly the same degree to initiate fresh new beginnings and to focus on planting new seeds in the area of the chart where the New Moon falls for you. You do not have to limit yourself, though, as New beginnings are focusing on your goals and intentions.

This New Moon in Pisces officially marks the beginning of Eclipse season, in which many things come to light. Eclipses are a time of major change. They are dramatic wild cards that shake us up and wake us up to enlighten us of things that no longer serve us, things that may be hidden are brought to light. Eclipses also bring fated opportunities and connections, meetings, beginnings, endings, eventful situations, and a sense of heightened activity where a lot happens in a short period of time.

The New Moon in Pisces occurs officially at 7:45 pm at 9 degrees and 40 minutes of Pisces. This New Moon reminds you that in this era of change, rapid twists and turns, listen to your intuition and work with magic to co-create new dreams. Dreams are the keyword here with all of this focus on Pisces this next few months.

On the higher vibration, Pisces represents imagination, selfless love, creativity, the alpha part of the brain. Dreams. Pisces represents an ocean of dreams in which we can also swim together if we can surrender and let go just a little bit longer.

SO much change has happened since Pluto has really started The Age of Aquarius since last November when it dipped back into Aquarius and completed its journey in the sign of Capricorn. Since then, we have since Earth Quakes, fires, multiple plane crashes, technological glitches, the wars within technology and social media, and how this has played metaphorically in our own lives.

With Pluto in Aquarius through January of 2044, unpredictability, invention, chaos, creating new ways to build community, technology, and opening to higher frequencies are all trends with which we will be working. There will be glitches. There will be changes in plans. Life will not be the predictable playbook that was much more available when Pluto was in Capricorn.

The New Moon in Pisces focuses on a far different part of this story. It taps into the non verbal part of the brain. It reminds you to co-create with your imagination. Dreams will be heightened, and messages can come in so many forms. This is a perfect time for doing affirmations, listening to relaxing music that puts in that state of imagination, journaling, and writing down your intentions, and the things for which you are grateful. Opening yourself up to gratitude with all of this manifesting energy will connect you right to source and infinite potential to heal.

Earlier today, Mercury in Pisces formed a positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius and is the planet of invention, genius, and chaos. Uranus is also the higher octave of Mercury. When the two are in harmony, this is an excellent aspect for being creative with your thinking, brainstorming with others, scheduling last minute appointments that could be fruitful, and networking.

There is a Pisces pileup in this New Moon chart. In the Moon chart, there are six points in Pisces; but, there will be more points in Pisces later in March when Venus and Mercury return to Pisces during Venus retrograde.

These are all of the points in Pisces in today’s New Moon chart that remind you to suspend disbelief when it comes to manifesting magic, practice self care, get rest, and journal your wishes. This is a time to dream, pay attention to the messages that are coming in your dreams, your day dreams, numbers you see, stories you are hearing from people, and what is happening in your life in general.

Eclipse season is here, and this involves major changes like job loss, new jobs, selling homes, buying homes, moves, breakups, new relationships, and major life events, Venus and Mercury will also retrograde both in the signs of Aries and Pisces. There is a lot in store for all of us to learn this late winter/early spring season!

These are the points in Pisces in the New Moon chart: The Sun, which represents ego, and how you shine; The moon, which represents your emotions; Saturn, which represents limits, karmic, lessons, and how build; Mercury, which represents outlook and perspective; The North Node, which represents destiny and the collective; Neptune, which is the modern ruler of Pisces, and ruler of dreams and the subconscious mind.

Bear in mind that Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac, and it can represent endings. Although a New Moon is a time of new beginnings, there are a lot of endings occuring during this New Moon and in the Eclipse season. Neptune and the North Node met up together at 28 degrees and 9 minutes of Pisces on 2/7/25, and this is within a degree of the final degree of the entire Zodiac. People, relationships, and situations that are hanging  on a thread are letting go now.

Neptune dissolves, and it can bring relief to those in pain. With those that experience depression or mental illness, be extra vigilant both with yourself and with others. Neptune is still transiting right at this degree, which is by the Fixed Star Scheat, which can be connected with self-undoing and self sabotage. We have choices with the energy. The beauty is that Neptune can help you be your own genie in a bottle if you are able to surrender to infinite possibility.

This New Moon chart has Saturn, Mercury, the North Node, and Neptune all at the final decan of Pisces, which also emphasizes that there will be many endings and letting go in order to make space for the new beginnings and possibilities. Remember that Nature abhors a vacuum, and we are all making space for change.

This will be an intense Eclipse season. Venus, the planet of love, happiness, creativity, value, worth, selth worth, and partnerships, retrogrades on 3/1/25 at 10 degrees and 50 minutes of the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries. Venus retrograde in Aries defaults to Mars in Cancer, which just stationed direct in the sign of Cancer on 2/23/25.

Venus retrograde in Aries, where it is in its detriment. The planet Venus only retrogrades once every 18 months, and it is a personal planet. It is how we interact with others, and it represents how we earn money, our finances, our possessions, and our values. I feel this Venus retrograde is a reminder not to become to self absorbed in this time where all of these points in Pisces are a cosmic reminder that we need to focus on the needs of the collective.

With Neptune and the North Node at the last degrees of the Zodiac, this is a time to focus on helping others and being part of the infinite collective. We can dream together, and we can heal together. It is a time to focus on how you can find strength with yourself and be brave to go after what you desire; but, it is also time to have patience. Venus retrograde is not an ideal time to make big purchases or change your appearance drastically.

It is a time when people from the past could return. You could hear from old friends, lovers, co-workers, or you may revisit a creative project. If you meet someone new, take things slowly. Something could be off about the relationship. Sometimes, people make karmic connections with Venus retrograde, but tread slowly.

This will be an intense Eclipse season. Venus, the planet of love, happiness, creativity, value, worth, selth worth, and partnerships, retrogrades on 3/1/25 at 10 degrees and 50 minutes of the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries. Venus retrograde in Aries defaults to Mars in Cancer, which just stationed direct in the sign of Cancer on 2/23/25.

Venus retrograde in Aries, where it is in its detriment. The planet Venus only retrogrades once every 18 months, and it is a personal planet. It is how we interact with others, and it represents how we earn money, our finances, our possessions, and our values. I feel this Venus retrograde is a reminder not to become to self absorbed in this time where all of these points in Pisces are a cosmic reminder that we need to focus on the needs of the collective.

With Neptune and the North Node at the last degrees of the Zodiac, this is a time to focus on helping others and being part of the infinite collective. We can dream together, and we can heal together. It is a time to focus on how you can find strength with yourself and be brave to go after what you desire; but, it is also time to have patience. Venus retrograde is not an ideal time to make big purchases or change your appearance drastically.

It is a time when people from the past could return. You could hear from old friends, lovers, co-workers, or you may revisit a creative project. If you meet someone new, take things slowly. Something could be off about the relationship. Sometimes, people make karmic connections with Venus retrograde, but tread slowly.

Venus is retrograde from 3/1/25 through 4/12/25. It retrogrades on 3/1/25 at 10 degrees and 50 minutes of Aries; It returns to the sign of Pisces on 3/27/25. Venus stations direct on 4/12/25 at 24 degrees and 38 minutes of Pisces. It is mirroring the dance of Mercury and of the Eclipses. Mercury enters its shadow on 3/1/25 when it reaches 26 degrees and 49 minutes of Pisces. Mercury retrogrades on 3/15/25 at 9 degrees and 36 minutes of Aries — close to the degree that Venus retrogrades and just within 36 minutes of the final Eclise in Aries on 3/29/25, which will be at 9 degrees of Aries. These points are getting heavily activated.

Mercury will station direct at 26 degrees and 49 minutes of Pisces on 4/7/25, which is within a couple degrees of where Venus stations direct, where the Total Lunar Eclipse occurred last Septemter on 9/17/25 at 25 degrees and 50 minutes of Pisces. Many truths will be uncovered, and deception will be brought to light. This is a time to understand what you have been working with since last fall.

The New Moon in Pisces is a great time to write down intentions and journal your dreams. It is also excellent for doing the Law of Abundance, as this manifesting energy taps into the imagination and is a very emotional New Moon, which helps you feel the feelings in order to manifest. Write down the date of the New Moon, which is 2/27/25. Where it says, “Pay to the order of, “write down your full name. Leave small numeric box blank. Where you write down dollar amount, print, “Paid in Full.” At the bottom of the check, sign, “The Law of Abundance.” I wish you much luck! #astrology #horoscope #Pisces #zodiac