Saturn stationed direct: Time to plan for 2020
Hi, Everyone,
Procrastination. I want you to keep that word in the the back of your mind as you read the rest of this article. Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, stationed direct on September 18, 2019 at 13 degrees and five minutes of Capricorn. Saturn represents accountability, fate, restrictions, limitations, time, and structure. Saturn has been retrograde since April 30, 2019, when it stationed retrograde at 20 degrees of the Cardinal earth sign of Capricorn.
Saturn is how you actualize your goals and take responsibility. It represents the karma of your actions; it is also sometimes fate beyond your control. Each one of you reading this has an area of your life where you know that something is not quite right. You need to build, rebuild, or let go.
Time is your currency. The Saturn story has been very real since December 20, 2019 when Saturn entered Capricorn. This year, Saturn and the South Node of Karma have been doing a dance for approximately five months, and that has felt very daunting and restrictive. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, has also been in a key player in this lineup. These have not met up in Capricorn for over 500 years, so is transits where really need to pay attention and work with intent.
This combination brings up a lot of issues about old behavior patterns and has triggered that issue for many this past five months. It is a historical lineup because we will never experience this again: Saturn in its home sign of Capricorn conjunct the South Node of Karma, which is seen as negative in Vedic astrology. The South Node deals with fate and karma; but. it is also what we need to release, or what weakens us in some way.
Over the summer, there were five planets retrograde, Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn, and this challenging Saturn/South Node/Pluto in Capricorn story. It was hard to focus, and it was a very tough summer for almost every one I know. Now we are approaching the Saturn/Pluto conjunction on January 12th, 2019, and it is imperative that we heed the lessons that have surfaced. Difficult or not, you have to keep going.
I mentioned procrastination earlier, and it is something that many of us have struggled with in light of these heavy influences. Add to the fact that we had our third and final Jupiter/Neptune square in the mutable signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. It is very easy to want to avoid with this influence. It can exaggerate your doubts, fears, and sense of directionless.
This influence is boundless, uncontained, scattered, and confusing. This can feel like swimming in mud. It is also highly manifesting energy, as Neptune rules the dream. Jupiter represents faith, optimism, and expansion. In ancient astrology, Jupiter ruled Pisces.
Remember to tap into the creativity, spirituality, and the dream that this influence can bring. Saturn and the South Node were exactly conjunct this week, which means to release low value behavior on your end that blocks you from achieving your goals and dreams. Make sure that the Jupiter/Neptune energy is not leading you astray in what you need to do. You cannot control everything, and these are times where that is obvious. You can only control how you react and transform yourself.
Jupiter and Neptune met up on January 13, 2019 at 14 degrees of Sagittarius and Pisces; they met up again on June 16, 2019 at 18 degrees of Sagittarius and Pisces; they met up this final time on September 21, 2019 at 16 degrees of Sagittarius and Pisces. They have not squared one another in their home signs since 1852, so this is also a historical influence.
What do you want to with this energy? You can manifest dreams, create, and envision a new future. The fact that Saturn is bringing the challenges and lessons helps to bring the manifesting to another level. You can structure what you manifest, but you will not evade your lessons. Manifest, envision, and feel it. The bottom line is you do the work — whether it be on an inner level or external.
Currently, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are all in their home signs, which means that they operate on a more productive level. Use to this to your advantage because you will never have these many outer planets in their home signs again. Regardless of the fact that we have all been tested beyond belief. Have some lemonade!
You decide how you deal with this. Saturn will not respond to your tears, but it will respond to your honest work and dedication. Act with consciousness. Be mindful of how you impact others. The effects of Saturn cycles can last for years — if not for the rest of your life. These are pivotal times.
On September 23, 2019, the Fall Equinox begins when the Sun enters the Cardinal air sign of Libra at 3:50 am EDT. This officially marks the beginning of fall.
It is Libra season with The Sun, Venus, and Mercury all transiting in the cardinal sign of diplomacy and partnering. There is a challenging T-square with Saturn/South Node (where we need to purge and restructure; Venus and Mercury in Libra; The Moon and North Node of Destiny in Cancer. This makes you pursue what you need and value; this prompts you to demand respect and value from others.
You have to find ways to communicate what you value and want, and how you can nurture yourself with the North Node in doting Cancer. With Venus conjunct Mercury in the second house of money and values, it is time to write and be creative. It is time to sell and market yourself.
It is not long before the Capricorn story raises up a few notches with Jupiter entering Capricorn on December 3, 2019 and expanding the lessons. Another round of Eclipses on December 26, 2019 and January 10, 2019; as well as the Saturn/Pluto cycle. Time to plan now. The planets are working with you a lot more than it seems, but you have to demand the most of yourself. Time to get work!